Why and Which One?
Depending on which side of the fence your sitting on? Who you know and what you know, WILL make a big difference in your decision.
Trusting someone or something is not an easy thing to do. Trust like respect, its earn't not given.
You cant believe everything you read or hear, be it online or in the media? Even your closest friends might not tell you the whole truth? That is not to say that they are out to deliberately fool you, they may just be a little economical with the truth.
The Internet is so full of BS. So many companies are a miles away from what could be regarded as reality or the truth.
Hype and BS is ripe there are so many scams out there and when it comes to TRADING SIGNALS COMPANIES? I am in tears with laughter at what some say. First of all there is not one company or account manager that has a 100% consistent profit win ratio. Well that is to say I have not found one. (Let me know if you have?)
As for some of these adverts that start God Bless Mr whatever, or Miss whatever, I am a testimony to their management. With a minimum investment of $1000 You can make $30,000 or more in a month. What they don't tell you is that they will invest your money for you? You then have no recourse when your money is gone.
Now what about ACCOUNT MANAGERS claiming they can
manage your account, getting you to invest your money on Forex trading, promising you wild sums of money each week. I am sure there are some honest ones out there? But why risk thousands with someone who the only thing you know about them is an email, I mean come on seriously would you? Yet many do.
Now as for BOT's don't even get me started on those. If you want to rely on a robot that will give you a 50 50 probability you have more money than sense.
OK so what am I getting at here? What I am getting at is this. "If it look's and sounds too good, check them out properly" because at the end of the day you are probably going to get scammed even with checking.
I would not bother googling "Is this or That company a scam"? Because guess what? Those sites on google or wherever? are scams as well. They will all tell you that the site you are checking out is probably a scam? Then lead you to a great site that they recommend. Guess why? Because they get a commission for sending you there, Oh Yes and then you get scammed. Catch 22 situation really.
Let me put you in touch with an Honest, Reliable signals company, that is so open and transparent people don't believe they exist. This company has it's doors wide open, with contactable people via phone, email, Skype and an on site Q&A box (with real people answering your question in real time.)
With Top Level Training given, an open live trading page where traders talk and advice is given in real time, Tri-weekly webinars and not to mention top signals given 23 hours a day.
Don't get scammed anymore. Talk to Dex Signals GET THE FACTS NOT THE GOSSIP and start trading safely.
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