I must admit that when I first looked into trading Forex it all seemed a bit much. I looked at training videos listened to the so called guru's who made it seem like rocket science and so complicated that I almost gave up at the first hurdle.
But of course as we all know they make it seem that way so they could make money from me.
As I said I almost gave up and thought that I may as well stick to Binary Options as I had become well versed in them. However I got talking to a friend of mine (it was he that got me into Binary Options to start with.)
He said "Look Paul Trading Forex does not have to be complicated in fact let me show you something." So through Skype screen share he showed me what he had been working on and like everything he does he took the complicated and made it simple.
I remember when he introduced me to Binary Options and said "See all these lines arrows and angles on this chart? Well that is all BS, you only need these 2 indicators." He said " I have no idea why anyone would want to clutter up their charts with crap, look let me show you a less intense chart, one that is easy on the eyes and so simple to use and producing better results because you are not trying to work everything out."
Anyway I digress so back to Forex.

What I am getting at is that with the right Training and Signals, Trading Forex does not have to be difficult far from it. However you do need like any trading you are into is complete discipline. Money is made but also if you can't take the drawdown it can also cripple you.
This short promo video may help you to understand Forex and the DexFxWorld well worth a few minutes of your time if you are serious about trading Forex.
As mentioned in the video The Dex Family's training and signals for Binary Options below.
Try using our tried and tested system
Looking at the 5 minute trades
If you like using indicators and want to do it yourself and love MT4 Then use http://Dexindicators.net
Every type of trading scenario is catered for with the Dex Family
For your convenience.
Check out our You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to the trading world of DEX.
Dex You Tube pages below.
Then Trade safe, Trade well.