TRADING AND TRADERS HONESTY So where does one start?
Trading binaries, Binary traders,
I have not written a blog in a few weeks due to other commitments. However I have been keeping an eye on the trading world as in my opinion that is the way forward to making a comfortable living from home.
First of all let me tell you something "If you are not being honest with yourself how can you be honest with others?"
I often sit on a customer service site for traders. My workload is really to help them with basic questions and point them in the right direction to whatever area they need.
I am not there to place trades for them or to say when or which pair to trade?
Now this is where the honesty bit comes in. I cannot help or advise someone unless they are being totally honest with me. I don't understand why people would want to BS someone who is there to help them?
You see when people come to me online I can see where they are and what sites they have visited?
So they ask a question "???????" and I reply "??????" and if you go to this page (link included) you will find the answer there.
Now I leave the conversation open on my screen just in case they had another question.
Now remember when I said "I can see where they are and what sites they have visited"?
Some never follow the link I gave them. Some click the link and stay on that page for about 20 seconds.
I guarantee they will be back asking the same question but in a different way? I mean why, and when I ask if they visited the link I gave them the answer is always invariably yes, even though I know they haven't.
Which begs the question do they really want to become traders or are they like "Well why don't you just place the winning trades for me and I will take the money".
Well I am afraid it does not work like that. The trouble is there are so many people/companies that know that and so exploit the ignorant and lazy, want something for nothing people.
This is the real world if you want something you need to get off your butt and go get it, you need to get the facts, learn from the ones in the know and do any training that needs to be done. There is no point in cutting corners then wonder why you are loosing money?
Oh and those that do will always blame a company, the other person or what ever and will never except the one point that THEY are to blame by not listening to the experts, doing the training (if there is any). They are the type of person who will jump from one shiny object to the next trying to find the quickest and easiest way to make money without doing anything?
That may sound a little harsh but that is the fact too many people want something for nothing and cry when they get burnt.
Why would a stranger offer to take your money and triple it for you? Like I said "There are so many people/companies that exploit the ignorant and lazy."
So it is always refreshing to find a company that has comprehensive training programs for different trading styles, one that offers Indicators, signals, one that is constantly evolving and has customer support that is open almost 24 hours per trading day and manned by real traders and one that has educational You Tube channels to keep everyone updated should they miss one of their famous webinars.
The list is not endless. But I can honestly say that there is no other trading/training/signals company like
Dex Trader.
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As always thank you for reading my blog
On a final note
Trade safe, trade well.
Paul Davey Senior Trader level 2 |