Showing posts with label forex forexsignals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forex forexsignals. Show all posts

Tuesday, 30 January 2018


Forget what you have been told and all the hype about trading! 
Lets get one thing straight You will never become a successful trader until you achieve.......... 


At Dex we teach you all about consistency because without it you can't add volume and without those two you will never reach your goal!

The meaning of consistency?
Evenness, Steadiness, Stability, Constancy, Uniformity, Equilibrium, Orderliness, Unity, Lack of change, Lack of deviation, Dependability, Reliability.

So without this life time equation you can kiss your funds goodbye.

The life time equation is C+V=G

With so much happening within the Dex Family, if you can't find what you are looking for all is not lost! Just drop us an email or chat with us on line.

A few things available 

  • Training, 
  • signals, 
  • Forex, 
  • Binary signals and training, 
  • EA's 
  • Tools 
  • You tube channels,
  • Great deals always available. 
With so much more on offer what have you got to loose.

Here are a few of our You Tube Channels to check out.

DexTrader page
Dex Signals
Dex FX World:
Dex Indicators

Search for books on TRADING and find your level


Thursday, 23 November 2017


Let me show you a couple of must read books and then a company that takes the complicated and makes Forex easy

There are quite literally thousands of books on how to trade Forex each has it's own unique way of trying to explain the in's and outs and pitfalls all make good reading. However if you really want advice then it's probably better to ask someone with the knowledge who via Skype, phone or email can answer your questions upfront rather than trying to search for your answer in a book?

I am referring to a well known company that has for years handed out advice training and signals not only for Forex but binary pairs as well. Today though I am only concerned about Forex as many new traders get confused between the different trading platforms.

Now some of the book's above are from Amazon Prime which means you can purchase them at a discount which makes sense seeing as we are all here to make money not waste it. Now if you don't have an Amazon prime account you can join for free for 30 days and still get your discount. You are under no obligation to continue after the 30 days are up which makes sense.

I will put a link at the bottom of this blog for those that want to take a look.

In the meantime if you wish to see a company that is undoubtedly one of the best Forex training and signal companies on the Internet just click on the link below.

The choice is yours but remember trading Forex is a serious game and should only be traded after being taught and remember always learn in DEMO.

Our customers are important to us. We listen to our customers, we care for their future. We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade. The Dex Family of Traders surpasses all others. Our past dictates our future and our future is assured. Contact us on site via our customer support, email or even Skype or land line. We are there for you.
Paul Davey (Senior 2 Trader) 

As promised here is the link for Amazon Prime well worth looking at for savings and remember you can sign up for 30 days for free and get all the benefit's.

Thursday, 12 October 2017




Have you ever wondered about FOREX?

You may even have taken a look and thought Holy Crap this is difficult, so many different colored lines. Lines zig zagging across the screen, numbers flashing maybe a screen looking some thing like this.

All looks very confusing even to me. Too many colors and too much distraction just looking at this  picture is making my eyes ache.

However what if someone was there to show you a simple and less cluttered screen maybe like this one.

Now that is much better for the eyes. Not too much going on but do you realize that you will get the same results and probably even better.

There is a misconception that to trade FOREX your screen needs to be full of necessary indicators, numbers and stuff?

Well nothing could be further from the truth. What you need to do is get rid of the complicated BS forget the horror stories of how difficult it all is. 

Listen and learn from a trader who makes a living trading by getting rid of the complicated and making it simple. Then listen to his brother who has impaired sight and how he has succeeded in trading FOREX using his brothers method. 

You will be blown away by the pathetic ease of trading FOREX. 


To find out more about the Simply Forex just click on this link
  >>>RIGHT HERE <<<  

and learn how to successfully trade FOREX without all the complication 

Paul Davey (Senior 2 Trader) 

Our customers are important to us. We listen to our customers, we care for their future. We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade. The Dex Family of Traders surpasses all others. Our past dictates our future and our future is assured. Contact us on site via our customer support, email or even Skype or land line. We are there for you.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Sick and Tired of FOREX GURU's Telling You What to Do?

You don't Need Guru's to Learn How to Trade Forex

At Dex FX WORLD You can rid yourself of these so called self made GURU's and learn to trade FOREX without the pressure.

Dex will provide's the SIGNAL's whilst you LEARN.
Learning has never been this good ever.

Don't take my word for it. Click on the link below and see for yourself. 

Apart from the usual Forex Signals! 
We have Forex signals that we have developed

Timed At The Money Signals

Unlike anything in the market, this is the next generation way of trading Forex see it here.

Change the way you think about learning FOREX and master it for yourself.

Monday, 8 May 2017



Trading binary's. Binary traders.

When people first start out on the road to trading from home, they are bombarded with so much information (most of it BS) that confusion seems to be the order of the day. 

What suits one trader may not suit another? There is a fine line and balance to choose from.
At Dex Trader they will tell you "First of all DO THE TRAINING" Secondly "Do not jump in with live trades? Find what you are comfortable with in Demo first."

Remember no matter how good you think you are if you are that good you wouldn't be hunting around for signals?

Trade 100's of trades in Demo, get consistent in the type of trades you are making, don't jump from one type of trading to another even if you loose a few trades? 

Look at the percentage of your wins verses your losses. You are going to loose trades as sure as eggs are eggs. There is no way anyone is going to make 100% consistently? Though I stand to be corrected of course.

Nadex, Forex or both?

Personally I like the ease of Nadex and the point that you cannot loose more than you put in to your account, but on having said that I had never given a thought to Forex. 
Nadex was my first love and with the regular high winning signals from Dex I could see no reason to change my way of thinking or trading.

Now however Dex has after many requests from members decided to offer signals using Forex for those who so wish to do so. At the moment it is in Beta stage and has been worked on for sometime now, collecting Data and tweaking the algorithms? 

Now like everything else that the Dex family has done for traders it will be available for public release when and only when it is fully tried and tested. They are not just going to push it out there and hope for the best? They have strict quality control, remembering that they have an awesome reputation to keep up.

Maxx likes to be honest and transparent that is what gives them the edge. 

Take a look at this from the latest webinar and see for yourself.

No BS or hype just facts and plain honesty.

This video helps explain us quickly and also helps you determine which of our systems is right for you Click Here

About Dex Signals Click Here

Why not subscribe to our You Tube Channels to keep up to date with the latest happenings.
Dex Trader You Tube Channel  Click Here
Dex Signals You Tube Channel Click Here

Or visit our website for a hands on approach 
Our sign up page for Your Training and Orientation. 
For your indicators
For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
Free Daily Webinars Live at 7 PM EST Monday-Thursday
NEW Web Based 5 minute indicator for Nadex

As always thank you for reading my blog
On a final note
Trade safe, trade well.  
Paul Davey Senior Trader level 2

Saturday, 21 January 2017


Everyone Gets Stuck in a Rut at Times

It's at times like this when you need to step out of the LITTLE BUBBLE you are stuck in, POKE YOUR HEAD UP ABOVE THE PARAPET and see what is out there.

You can keep bashing your head against the wall hoping to break through OR you can say this is not for me. It takes a big man to admit they are wrong and a fool one to thrash a dying horse.

If you are stuck in what you are doing and cant see the LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL. Take a few moments and check us out. 

Take a look, SIT ON THE FENCE if you need to, ask your questions? Lets see if we can help you down. 

We have helped thousand of others make the transformation from frustration to happiness with our easy to learn and implement with our way of trading.

No matter what you think, if you are not making a profit in MLM or any other type of BUSINESS you need to POP YOUR BUBBLE or CLIMB OUT OF YOUR BOX.

We are looking to help people achieve success. There is nothing more frustrating than failing time and time again and not learning from your failure.

learn to trade
  We Invite you to take a look at us. You can even test drive us for FREE with no strings attached

Saturday, 14 January 2017


What is This Formula That this Company Has Found and is Using to Their and Their Customers Advantage.

If I was to tell you that this FORMULA is something that everyone knows about but never use?
Something so powerful it reaches in to the very soul of everyone when used.

No it's NOT a SECRET it is far from that, it is something that is missing from nearly every internet company where they don't have to face their staff or customers in person or face to face if you like.

It is this FORMULA that has caused this company to accelerate it's membership by over 1,500 people in the last few months and raising at a steady rate as more and more people realize what this company can do for them.

What has it done? 

Well one of the owners Maxx is renown for his theory and the practice of taking the complicated and making it simple. He does what he says and keeps you informed of all progress, setbacks hopes and fears. He is not one for BS and say's it like it is. 

Hype is a swear word full of empty promises and dreams from cloud cuckoo land where the unicorns roam free and everything is make believe.

I'm so excited about this company that I have gone off on a tangent? 

Back to the subject matter what is this formula that they use? 
Well that's simple it's called HONESTY.

Now couple HONESTY with INTEGRITY,  OPENNESS and TRANSPARENCY you have the makings of a great company and that MY FRIENDS that is just what you have With Dex Signals.

To give you an example of their transparency take a look at one of their webinars. 
These webinars are FREE and OPEN to everyone and as if you needed proof of their honesty I will leave this one here for you to look at.

If you would like more information about this company and how they can help you to reach your idea of success visit them HERE

Friday, 6 January 2017


What Makes Dex Better Than The Best?

The Dex Trader Pathway 

Finding Your Way

Trading has never been easier because Dex Signals have something that is the envy of others?
Not only is their system clean, honest, transparent and MORE IMPORTANTLY THEIR OWN.

Dex also have an equation called the Dex Pathway
The Dex Pathway
Here You Will.. 
  1. learn to Train  
  2. learn to Earn 
  3. Learn to Associate and Duplicate 
Let's break each one of these down
When you watch, listen and read about the different things we do, you begin to notice certain things? and that is we are not the same as other companies. 
With Dex you will learn about...... 
  • Yourself as a trader 
  • About the different brokers 
  • The different ways to trade 
  • And most of all you learn how to protect yourself and your money from ruin

Under our training, once you go through the learning phase. 
You will now begin to use it in practice this is where you will..... 

  1. Train with the signals 
  2. Train with the broker 
  3. Train with wins and losses 
  4. Train on being real

You've now gone through all that phew? This is where you are about to get real and go live.
So now you will book a console with Maxx this is like your end of term appraisal.
Remember that this is your future and we want to ensure you are ready for your success. 

  • You'll fund your account 
  • You'll start with minimum risk 
  • You'll make your first trades live 
  • You'll share your results with us and celebrate victory


But you're not done yet.

Now that you have started to EARN we want you to associate?

Yes we want you to associate and that means in our Pro Trader room or on Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn we want you to share your success after all you earnt it.

This tells the world about your hard work and your success now that gives you more power.

Lastly and this one is a very simple one called duplicate?  
You dig in and do it every single day, because once you start doing this you will hone your skills on everything that you have learnt it will also stop skill fade.
With duplication this one Pathway will make all of your new skills sharp for the rest of your trading life.

This Pathway is a concept of constant evolution it's ever moving but once you enter you must be prepared to go all the way through.

For some the whole process takes a couple of weeks a few hours each day to become successful others may take a little longer. Just remember Dex is here to get you to YOUR OWN idea of success. 

Don't stop halfway if you have issues please reach out to us for your help and guidance we can help you get through just about anything you come up with.

Check out HERE.  Do you have any questions or queries? Good we love them. At Dex there are a multitude of ways to contact us we look forward to hearing from you.

Visit anyone of our sites and get the real deal, by the way you can train on their system for free, not many other companies will train you for free.

Check us out today and see if you have the mind to be a trader from home.

The Dex Family offer you Indicators, Training (Nadex), Signals (Daily's, intraday's, 5 minute trades and more.

Our sign up page for Your Training and Orientation. 
For your indicators
For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
Free daily webinars Live at 7 PM EST Monday-Thursday
NEW web based 5 minute indicator for Nadex

Join us as a free member and see for yourself how it all works. You are welcome to our (much talked about) FREE webinars as well. We would love to see you there.

Monday, 31 October 2016

What YOU Can Do When YOU are Busy Doing Other Things

This is What I Did and You Can Too

I had a Busy morning at home, school run, mowed the lawn, did housework being a stay at home dad and decorated for Halloween.

I Managed about 11 five minute trades thanks to the Dex alarm setting on the indicator.

So in about 3 hours this morning whilst doing everything else I made just over $141.00 not too shabby. Now if I had not had to go out for the afternoon well that's another story. But with that said I had only put one contract on each trade had I put on 2-3 or even 4 well the results speak for themselves.

Check out my morning trades here

Get your indicators and Training here at Dex Indicators 

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Traders Indicators by Dex

This is a Must if you are Trading.

As a Trader I can speak from Personal Experience the amount of Time that these Indicators have Saved Me

We all know that time is money? 

Everyday I used to go to my meta trader and put in the Support and Resistance lines for the day and week etc. My chart became full of these lines many of them being redundant  it was getting hard to tell what was what.

I spent more time trying to sort out my various charts to make sure they were right, than I did trading. That was until I was told by a Trusted Source about an Indicator provider who produce the most efficient Indicators you will ever need.

So if you like me need a professional indicator provider check out Dex Indicators and get yours now.

Here are a few of their Indicators

Looking for Signals get them here at Dex Signals

Visit anyone of our sites and get the real deal, by the way you can train on their system for free, not many other companies will train you for free.

Check us out today and see if you have the mind to be a trader from home.

The Dex Family offer you Indicators, Training (Nadex), Signals (Daily's, intraday's, 5 minute trades and more.

Our sign up page for Your Training and Orientation. 
For your indicators
For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
NEW web based 5 minute indicator for Nadex

Join us as a free member and see for yourself how it all works. You are welcome to our (much talked about) FREE webinars as well. We would love to see you there.

Check out our You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to the trading world of DEX.

Dex You Tube pages below.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Get Started For Free

Did You Know that You can Get Started with Dex Signals for FREE

Not a lot of people know this but Dex Signals are giving you the chance to try their signals and system for free.

Why would they do that? 

Well quite it's quite simple really. Trading is not for everyone so they are letting you try their system and training for free so you can see if it is right for you.

If it's not for you at least you have had the chance to see it for yourself. No one can judge something unless they at been given the chance to see if it works for themselves and get an honest feel for it.

So it's quite simple really just click the link below and get started for FREE. See if trading is for You.

  • Free Nadex Signals
  • Access to Free Section of the Learning Center
  • Free Indicator and Strategy
  • Become an Affiliate

Friday, 7 October 2016

You Know When Something is Right

When it's Right You Just Know it's Right 


There is that feeling you get when you know something is right or not?
You feel it deep down in your gut, hence the saying "Gut Feelings."

Gut feelings are something that you cant explain it's just that "A gut feeling." 

How many times have you started to do something and you get the feeling something does not feel right? Yet you carry on only to regret it and wish you had listened to your inner feelings to start with "Your Gut Feelings."

The same applies when you first meet someone. You are not sure about them? 
  • Is it the way they dress? 
  • The way they talk? 
  • Their looks 
  • or their general persona? 
With that in mind, where you are meeting them for the first time all these things are there in front of you. You listen to them and trust your feelings.
You just know that YES you like this person or NO you don't.

It's that simple. Yet as soon as people come on line all their feelings of sense seem to disappear? 
They see a chance to make money on line by giving someone money they have never met and in all probability never will, who works for a company that they have never heard of, but who are promising such wealth with pictures of flash cars, big houses holidays etc etc. 

WOW.  Yep that's for me they think and before they know it they have signed up to these dreams and brought in to the company Then they get their gut feeling back, which had been blocked by the promise of such six figure sums and a life of riches. 
But guess what it's too late, the money has been sent they are now on a downward spiral. 

But hey whats that?  LOOK another company that they have never heard of, another one who are promising wealth with pictures of flash cars, big houses holidays etc etc. 
This one will work? Yeah Right.

I have seen these people, maybe you are one of them always jumping to the next best thing, the next shiny object the next promise.

I like to think of myself as a good judge of character and have always trusted my gut feelings. Yes I have made a few mistakes in the past no one is perfect.

Some years ago I met a couple of people on line we had all joined the same on line business. The business was a success in itself and everyone was starting to make money. However one person who was rather unscrupulous started to change the down lines so that all the big players in our down lines where moved and ended up under him and there was nothing we could do.

We all left the company but I stayed in contact with the ones I trusted the feelings where there and we did a few things together. But then a couple of them went quiet for quite a while. It was not until some months later that they told me what they had been up to. 

After it was explained to me what they had been doing they asked if I would like to join their new company. Yes it was THEIR company they had spent months and months working day and night ploughed money it to it and made it work. 

Originally it was just for them to make money with, but then they let a few of us in if we wanted? I listened and they gave me no promises just an explanation of what it was that they were doing.

What was it? 
Well it was trading? 

The thought had never crossed my mind, when they mentioned it.
I had visions of sitting down looking at banks of computer screens with charts with shouts of BUY, SELL etc I could not see me doing it by any stretch of the imagination. 

But do you know what. I trusted these guys and when they said they would show me how easy it could be. No commitment just do what they do. I was blown away, and I say that as an understatement.

That was then. Now they have a huge training library with easy to learn 4 to 10 minute videos all made up with easy step by step lessons. Now have opened the company to anyone who trades or want to learn trading.

What they do ask of members? Well simple just follow the training all of it?
No thinking oh I know this? because the training is for their system of signals, though it can be used on multiple platforms.
Who are these people who I had based my faith in so many years ago?

Well their company is called Dex Signals 

If you seriously want a change in direction or want to see how easy trading can be look them up at Dex Signals.

If you are media orientated try their affiliate program. A two tier system paying a whopping 30% on one level and 10% on the second. Check the affiliates side of life HERE.


Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Why is He Giving Away Indicators for Traders and on a Webinar with Nadex


Why Would Anyone Give Away Indicators When They Could be Sold and Making a Ton of Money.

Well if you have not heard of Maxx Fairo or Dex Signals. Then Shame on you.
When Maxx and his partners started the Company Dex Signals, they did so with the thoughts of helping others. What was their mission?

Well its this simple:

It is our mission to provide traders simple, easy to follow signal services for forex and binary option traders. We are traders ourselves and include training and advanced training to help as many people as possible across all skill levels.

They then went further by putting this statement out.

Can you trust this man Maxx Fairo? Well I am sure if a US CFTC-regulated Exchange trust him who are you to argue. is US CFTC-regulated Exchange that do. In fact so much so they are having two WEBINARS with him. For more information see the bottom of this blog.

Binary options are legal and available to trade in the US only on a CFTC-regulated United States exchange. Nadex is designated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission as a Designated Contract Market and Derivatives Clearing Organization. The CFTC is a US government agency overseeing futures, options and swaps trading. Its mission is to protect market users and the public from fraud, manipulation, abuse, and systemic risk.

Some online binary option providers may not be properly registered and regulated. They are based outside the US, operate outside US law, and may hold member funds in various types of offshore accounts. They cannot legally offer binary options to retail customers in the United States.

Becoming a proficient and consistent trader does not start with a strategy or an indicator, it begins with the most powerful tool in your arsenal, your mind. Explore what it takes to find your foundation for trading within your "Traders Mind" and find your pathway to your idea of success within this easy to use process.

Please join Maxx Fairo with Our City Investments as he discusses what is arguably, one of the most important aspects of trading, the Traders Mind

Visit Dex Signals HERE 

Visit anyone of our sites and get the real deal, by the way you can train on their system for free, not many other companies will train you for free.

Check us out today and see if you have the mind to be a trader from home.

The Dex Family offer you Indicators, Training (Nadex), Signals (Daily's, intraday's, 5 minute trades and more.

Our sign up page for Your Training and Orientation. 
For your indicators
For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
Free daily webinars Live at 7 PM EST Monday-Thursday
NEW web based 5 minute indicator for Nadex

Join us as a free member and see for yourself how it all works. You are welcome to our (much talked about) FREE webinars as well. We would love to see you there.