Some years ago I met a couple of people on line we had all joined the same on line business. The business was a success in itself and everyone was starting to make money. However one person who was rather unscrupulous started to change the down lines so that all the big players in our down lines where moved and ended up under him and there was nothing we could do.
We all left the company but I stayed in contact with the ones I trusted the feelings where there and we did a few things together. But then a couple of them went quiet for quite a while. It was not until some months later that they told me what they had been up to.
After it was explained to me what they had been doing, they asked if I would like to join their new company. Yes it was THEIR company they had spent months and months working day and night ploughed money it to it and made it work.
Originally it was just for them to make money with, but then they let a few of us in if we wanted?
I listened and they gave me no promises just an explanation of what it was that they were doing.
I listened and they gave me no promises just an explanation of what it was that they were doing.
What was it?
Well it was trading?
Trading? The thought had never crossed my mind, when they mentioned it.
I had visions of sitting down looking at banks of computer screens with charts with shouts of BUY, SELL etc I could not see me doing it by any stretch of the imagination.
I had visions of sitting down looking at banks of computer screens with charts with shouts of BUY, SELL etc I could not see me doing it by any stretch of the imagination.
But do you know what. I trusted these guys and when they said they would show me how easy it could be. No commitment just do what they do. I was blown away, and I say that as an understatement.
That was then. Now they have a huge training library with easy to learn 4 to 10 minute videos all made up with easy step by step lessons. Now have opened the company to anyone who trades or want to learn trading.
What they do ask of members? Well simple just follow the training all of it?
No thinking oh I know this? because the training is for their system of signals, though it can be used on multiple platforms.
No thinking oh I know this? because the training is for their system of signals, though it can be used on multiple platforms.
Who are these people who I had based my faith on so many years ago?
Well their company is called Dex Signals
If you seriously want a change in direction or want to see how easy trading can be look them up at Dex Signals.
If you are media orientated try their affiliate program. A two tier system paying a whopping 30% on one level and 10% on the second. Check the affiliates side of life HERE.