Showing posts with label makemoney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label makemoney. Show all posts

Friday, 19 January 2018



Success comes to those who try and fail on many levels yet persevere and strive for it. 
Real success comes when you have exhausted all avenues yet still plow on knowing that the answer is within reach and you claw with your very finger tips towards your goal.

Here at Dex we have moved the success goal posts CLOSER!

We are not going to give you your success for free if we did that it would not be your success? 
What we have done is supplied you with so many options for your success that your success will be choosing the option that suits you.

Within our web pages you will find what it is you are missing? We offer free training on all of our trading systems.
We have a second to none signals system spewing out signals 24 hours a trading day. From Dailys, Intradays and the 5 Minutes.

We have our popular You Tube channels which if you subscribe to will keep you up to date with the latest Successes of our company's signals, programmes and deals.

Read our customers testimonials, see all our history warts and all. We may not be perfect! However we are honest, transparent and contactable. Our idea of success is helping you reach your idea of success.  

To find out more about the Dex Family of traders check out our You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to their Training, Trading and Signals.
Subscribe to The Dex Family You Tube pages below and get a feel of what we are all about.

You Tube Channels

For more insider information just click on the prices picture below

Take a look for yourself and see why this company has such a great reputation and are globaly successful. 

The other reason could be because they are


Our customers are important to us. We listen to our customers, we care for their future. We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade. The Dex Family of Traders surpasses all others. Our past dictates our future and our future is assured. Contact us on site via our customer support, email or even Skype or land line. We are there for you.
Paul Davey (Senior 2 Trader) 

Monday, 20 February 2017

I Can Promise You This

This is What I Can Promise You

Dex Signals IS UNIQUE in it's concept couple that with Dex Indicators and Dex Trader and we give you a Winning Trio.

You will find NO other company that is as dedicated to it's customers as much as we are.

From our web sites to our media pages we will always answer your questions and queries, normally right away. We are contactable via Skype, landline and email. We don't hide away from our customers or members. We like to class everyone as a family member each and everyone is treated with respect and we thrive on our policy of treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves.

You see "Our Past Determines Our Future and Our Future is Down to Your Success".

I said promise. 

So what can I promise you?
  • Easy to understand and implement short 3-9 minute videos for Free. 
  • Ease of contact
  • An on site signals direction from Daily's, Intraday, NAIntraday (News Avoidance), 5 Minute and our latest SRMaxx signals.
  • Signal Indicators (many of them like the Support and Resistance are free)
  • A Free consult with one of our senior partners including the owner Maxx 
  • A great family atmosphere in our 27/7 chat room
  • Free webinars tri-weekly for the pro traders and 4 weekly ones for everyone including the curious.
  • Professional website with many interaction features so you get the best out of your trading experience with us
  • We will not try to converse you into joining any company for our gain. We believe that to do so would taint our good name and reputation.

Big promises I know and that is not a patch on what else we offer you? 

We won't ask you to part with any money up front? Once you sign up and join us we let you train our system get our popular indicators for free. The reason being is that trading is not for everyone? It takes dedication, the ability to learn new things, to be focused and have that real desire to make a success of your life.

This is not a get rich quick scheme (Scam) most definitely not MLM or marketing. This is the real world where you are in control of your money and your destiny but like I said you must have a traders mind and this is where are training come in. It will show you if you have the right aptitude to trading. 

Check us out today and see if you have the mind to be a trader from home.

The Dex Family offer you Indicators, Training (Nadex), Signals (Daily's, intraday's, 5 minute trades and more.

Our sign up page for Your Training and Oriantation. 
For your indicators
For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
Free daily webinars Live at 7 PM EST Monday-Thursday

Join us as a free member and see for yourself how it all works. You are welcome to our (much talked about) FREE webinars as well. We would love to see you there.


Saturday, 21 January 2017


Everyone Gets Stuck in a Rut at Times

It's at times like this when you need to step out of the LITTLE BUBBLE you are stuck in, POKE YOUR HEAD UP ABOVE THE PARAPET and see what is out there.

You can keep bashing your head against the wall hoping to break through OR you can say this is not for me. It takes a big man to admit they are wrong and a fool one to thrash a dying horse.

If you are stuck in what you are doing and cant see the LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL. Take a few moments and check us out. 

Take a look, SIT ON THE FENCE if you need to, ask your questions? Lets see if we can help you down. 

We have helped thousand of others make the transformation from frustration to happiness with our easy to learn and implement with our way of trading.

No matter what you think, if you are not making a profit in MLM or any other type of BUSINESS you need to POP YOUR BUBBLE or CLIMB OUT OF YOUR BOX.

We are looking to help people achieve success. There is nothing more frustrating than failing time and time again and not learning from your failure.

learn to trade
  We Invite you to take a look at us. You can even test drive us for FREE with no strings attached

Tuesday, 3 January 2017


So 2016 was not really your year? 

You need to Step Outside the Box 

OK you looked, you tried and you failed last year?

Before you get into the rut of jumping from one MLM company to the next this year?
Maybe YOU need to ask yourself a couple of questions first.

First of all and these is are the BIG ONE'S

  • Is MLM really for you? 
  • Did it just seem like a good idea at the time? 
  • Were you sold someone else's dream? 
  • What is it you want from MLM? Money? Lifestyle? Freedom?
  • Can you put the time, effort and money in?
  • Do YOU have the Time, Money 
Working the MLM circuit is not so easy as I am sure you have found out. There are many casualties along the way.

Don't take my word for it?

Here are a paragraph taken from The Balance* written November 2016

So is it possible to make any money doing an MLM? After finishing all of his analysis and research on various MLM data, Jon Taylor concluded, “In every case, using the analytical framework described, the loss rate for all these MLMs ranged from 99.05% to 99.99%, with an average of 99.71% of participants losing money in an MLM. On average, one in 545 is likely to have profited after subtracting expenses and 997 out of 1,000 individuals involved with an MLM lose money (not including time invested)."

So as I said at the beginning of this Blog if you want to make money this year and become a success (Your idea of success not mine). Then look around open your eyes.

What I am saying is look at another option, one that maybe you had never thought about before. 

Click on the link / banner below and see HOW (without the hype) YOU can become YOUR  OWN SUCCESS STORY in 2017

learn to trade

*Article from The Balance Written by Mindy Lilyquist

Saturday, 31 December 2016


Don't to miss out on this one.

“During their lifetimes, every man and woman will stumble across a great opportunity.
Sadly, most of you will simply pick yourselves up, dust yourselves down and carry on as if nothing ever happened."


Here is the Greatest Opportunity you are ever likely to find in 2017.

Don't to miss out on this one.

How come DexSignals is The Best Binary Options Trading System for Nadex?

See Real Customer Results. Find out What Type of Trader You are? Or you could become. 
Start your journey HERE and begin Now.

So What Type of Trader are you? Take a look here...

Friday, 16 December 2016


Just One Thing Well Maybe Two?

That would be to BOOKMARK a couple of pages NOW that have proven time and time again to produce fantastic results for those who were willing to learn and who had had a will to make money in 2016.

NOW it is your turn in 2017

Admittedly this is not for everyone. 
You have to have a few things in your favour first. 
Things like..

  • A real desire to make money
  • Prepared to learn 
  • To listen and ask questions
  • Be able to follow simple guidelines  
If you can do those things then when it comes to making money without hype and BS. Then the sky's the limit for you. There is NO limit on what you can earn why should there be.

What page's should you bookmark?

Let's start with this one 

Trading is not for everyone but those who want to learn this is the only place I would recommend. Easy short videos ideal for a beginner as well as the more experienced trader Visit DEX HERE 

For those that prefer marketing Dex have an amazing affiliate programme with a two tier system offering 30% on one level and 10% on the second Bookmark them HERE

Looking for Indicators (Many Free) then Bookmark Dex Indicators HERE

I have now GIVEN YOU 3 pages to Bookmark? 
2017 should be a breeze for YOU to make a real success of YOUR life.


Saturday, 22 October 2016

You Know What Your Problem is.


You know what it is but YOU refuse to believe it.

You want to make it big? You want to make money on line but it's not working for you.

Why is it not working for you, it's working for others you know that because you have seen the adverts. Flash cars, piles of money big expensive houses?

Now I make adverts and have done for sometime now. A picture tells a massive story or does it?

OK let me show you. Let me make a scam advert, only you know it's a scam because I have told you. Trust me there are millions of them out there.

Ok lets start with an eye catching headline

Would $500-$5000 Per Day (Or More) Change Your Life?

If we gave you a system with step by step instructions on how to simply plug in to these killer  products, a system (that is done for you) , You will start making an effortless income on line.
It's designed in a simple way, even beginners with no tech skills or experience are absolutely earning massive income from this proven system.

 We are only looking for 3 people so don't miss this get in NOW before it's too late

Would you join without the proof?

At a wild guess out of a thousand people who see it maybe 100 would take a look and possibly just 1 would join. But hey that's money in their bank.

In Reality

What YOU need is a trusted way to make money, one that is not reliant on others.

I have found it (so have many others). Let me show YOU a way, one that involves you using a simple method where you are in control of YOUR destiny, one where we will help you get to YOUR level of SUCCESS.

And Yes it works here is what I made the other day using this method (even with a cold)

How easy is it well check this out.

Yep it's that easy

Check Dex Indicators full training given in easy to understand short 5 minute videos.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Have you seen the adverts that say "Let us tell you a little SECRET"


WOW have you ever noticed how many SECRETS? Companies are leaking to the unsuspecting public?

Being an accomplished affiliate I was curious at how people were advertising their products. So there I was looking through a couple of advertising pages and the one thing that sprung out was the phenomenal amount of companies that have suddenly decided to let the public know that they have a secret? 

I don't know about you, but to me a secret is just that a secret and should be kept that way. Unless of course it is not a secret just something or a product they are trying to sell you. Yes I am a bit skeptical of leaked secrets.

The other headlines I see a lot of is "They don't want you to know this BUT." 
Who doesn't want you to know? Why is it a secret? 

Now of course you have to pay for these secrets. The trouble is these secrets are now no longer secrets, I guess you could call them public secrets. What is even funnier is that they show you how these secrets work so you will buy into them. Now surely it can no longer be called a secret?

Maybe it's a ploy to get you to buy into some scheme or scam? NO they would never do that would they?

If they tell you it's a secret then I would steer well clear of it that is unless they are going to let you in to the secret for free.

Now I have a SECRET? 
No just kidding It's not a secret but I guess you could call it a public information secret if you like.

My public secret is open to everyone and guess what it's for FREE 

In my past blogs I have banged on about MLM companies, Affiliate sites and other money making opportunities, the lies the scams and the truth.

After all these years I have never found an upstanding out right company that does what it promises and really looks after it's members. 

Except for ONE, and that is a company who's owners I have know for many years. Honest, forthright very open and down to earth. A good enough reason for me to have stayed with them all this time. It was only recently though that they have opened their doors to affiliates to allow others to enjoy their fruits of success.
They don't need SECRET or other SPAMMY type of headline's. They just say it like it is.

Affiliates Check them out NOW 

If you are a Trader check out their signals and signal system HERE

Monday, 26 September 2016

What Did The Last Shiny Option You Joined On Line do for YOU ?

Why buy into a company? when all you want to do is make money. How many of you hunt on line for the next shiny object? You Buy in, waste money, loose money then jump at the next so called opportunity.

What you need to do is learn that companies will sell you HYPE? They are good at it, they spend a lot of time and pay experts to make you part with your cash. They are not there for you they are there for your money.

However People being people are gullible, they fall hook line and sinker for the hype and some never seem to learn. They become so desperate to find the Goose with the Golden Egg, that they often overlook what is right in front of them.

Like the children and parents in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory buying thousands of bars of chocolate looking for the Golden Ticket?

Now I can speak from personal experience because I did the same as everyone else when I first started out. Jumping from one business to another selling it to family and friends. I did it so often that I must have looked desperate in their eye's and they soon got fed up with me and my latest thing that was going to make me rich.

  • You need to get the FACT'S 
  • Not listen to the HYPE. 
  • Don't believe everything that you see on line. 
  • Don't loose anymore of your hard earned money for another shiny object, Golden Egg or Ticket. 
  • Instead look for a company that will help you, teach you and be there for you. 
  • Find one that does not want your money and will pay you a commission for the work you do.

Let us help you, to help yourself make money online.  
  • We have the time, 
  • The expertise, 
  • The programs, 
Everything to help you become a success at marketing. From the novice to the professional, everyone can learn something from what we have to offer.

Our affiliate program is second to none with a 30% reoccurring commission on one level and a 10% on the second there really is nothing like this out there.

So unless you have the money to throw away at the next shiny object?

Check out Dex Affiliates. We care for our members.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016


Those That Can Do, The Rest Just Look on in Awe.

 I must admit to have been watching someone do something and been filled with awe? Then wonder how they do something that to me would seem impossible to achive?
Some would say "Well thats not for me." or "Wish I could do that but can't?"

Most would probably never have thought of  doing it in the first place, it would never of crossed their mind's untill it was in their face so to speak. 

In this day where the cost of living more than out weighs the pay that many recieve, causing them to take second job's? Meaning less time with their family. 
Family time seem's to be put on the back burner whilst people are trying to earn the money for a quality family life. 

Not so long ago the man went out to work and earned enough for his wife and family. Now a days the wife goes out to work too, often leaving the children in the care of someone else, which in turns means more money needed to pay the child minder or the nursery. Mother and child bonding time is now limited. Unfortunatly that is the way of the modern world.

There is a way out? and that does not include MLM at which 97% fail at.

I am talking about a company that will let you learn the basic's then teach you everything you need to know before you move forward to earn. Be that enough to supplement your pay or to add a bit extra each week? 

For a few hours at home in your own time if you can take a bit of timeout to learn what they have to teach and if you are sensible and can use a bit of common sense the sky really could be the limit.

A company that is on call 24 hours a day ready to answer your questions. A company that is dedicated to helping you.

The Company is Dex Signals.

What is Dex Signals and what do they do?

DexSignals. Explain how easy trading can be and provide a signal service that indicates which trade to make on a particular pair of binary derivatives.

It is their only mission to provide traders a simple, easy to follow service using the Largest trading platforms in the world.

Training is for everyone from the novice to the professonal. Everything is explained in an easy to understand way through video and webinar's with people on hand to explain anything you may not understand.

If you are a professional trader let us supply you with signal's direct to your laptop, mobile or any other elcectronic device. We will even tweet them to you if you want.

Check us out for free here.

here with DEX Signals.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016



I am still amazed that this is a way of life for so many people.

What I don't understand is that with all this modern technology that everyone has at their fingertips? They are prepared to spend hours sitting in traffic every working day to go and work for a company that probably does not know that they exist until they miss a day.

I appreciate that working form home is not for everyone? Many need the guidance and security of sheep in their everyday lives. Many others have no choice but to work for others through no fault of their own.

There is a way for someone to brake free of these chains, but only if they can learn a very simple rule ..and that is COMMON SENSE? To have the ability to understand risk management (common sense). Be able ask question's of things they don't understand and watch listen and learn.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about trading.

We can show them the hows, whys and wheres of trading. Using our signals direct to their computer, laptop or any other Internet media device. If they are willing to learn we will take all the mystery out of the trading mumbo jumbo.

If you are even remotely interested then read on.

We will show you how to use a demo site with $25.000.00 (Demo Money) to gain confidence, we will introduce you to our system and guide you through it which by the way produces a 90 plus% success rate.

Most people can master what we have (even if they have never traded before) in a few short weeks. We work closely with you at a times that suits you.

Check out our 100 trades

Dex Signals Life Equation

Take a look at how we roll? 
Take a free ride with us at Dex Signals. We are open, honest and looking out for you. We Teach, You Learn, we will show you and advise you, we put NO pressure on you, you can take as much time as you need. We want you to be successful.
Visit us HERE
Please read our risk disclaimer on our site

Tuesday, 12 April 2016



I remember thinking as a child that trading was all about standing in a massive room waving my arms about with many others and shouting "BUY?  SELL?" and to be honest that kind of environment was not for me.

Recently I was told that I could trade from the peace and quiet of my home? 
Yep right I thought. Images of me sitting at home with a bank of computer screens and phones still did not appeal. 
A bit naive maybe I was, not fully understanding what trading from home was all about. 
I listened intently as everything was explained to me. The pitfall's the risk disclaimers and the simple this is how you do it if you follow what we say. 

 I figured that nothing was that simple but put my doubts to one side and thought "Nothing ventured Nothing gained"?

The training was simple the mind set of greed was diminished and as I was told very simply use our system. 

I used the demo version in Nadex (with $25,000.00 demo money to play with.) for about a month or so. I still use the demo mode at times but mainly I am live?

As a pro member with Dex Signals I receive at set times between 5 to 10 signals from which to choose from, I normally only trade 3 signals a session and there are 5 sessions a day, so I have plenty of trades and plenty of time to trade them.

The results are staggering look at these signals warts and all?

So if you are still trying to make money on line?
Check out Dex signals and see what they can maybe for you?

Wednesday, 30 March 2016


Rather than try to explain? Let me show you...

Dex Signals is no ordinary signals company? 
They are open, honest and they deliver.

You can join them for FREE to test them out. 
With results like these why would you even think of going FREE? 
We know that Trust and Proof is so important these days. 
With so many rip off fly by night companies, It really is a struggle to find an open, honest and transparent company that deliver like Dex Signals
It will cost you nothing to check us out and we will answer any questions (live) that you may have. We cater for all form the novice to the professional

Wednesday, 23 March 2016


Let us explain How and why we came about?

This short video that we have put out is to open your mind as to why Dex signals are offering it's expertise in somecases for free.

With so many so called signal companies ripping people off for big bucks everyday,
Dex explains WHY and HOW Dex signals came about, How it all works and Why you should consider joining us even as a FREE Member.


Remember we offer our affliates a 30% reacuring income. So if you are going to shoot for the moon there really is NO BETTER Company than Dex Signals.

Friday, 18 March 2016

SO Are You Still Wasting Your Precious Time and Money?

97 percent of network marketers  Fail


Sir  Winston S. Churchill once said “I never worry about action, but only about inaction.

Unless you are one of the lucky 3 percent WHY would you continue to chase a dream that is proven to fail time and time again? The broken hyped up dreams that people still grasp at in the hope of being able to work the system like that of a wall built on a sandy beach nearly always come crashing back down to earth, Yet never learning some move to another sandy beach and try again with the same out come.

If someone could show you a way to make REAL money in just a few easy steps built on solid ground would you accept the challenge? Would you be prepared to follow simple instuctions (are you able too?)

There comes a precious moment in all of our lives when we are tapped on the shoulder and offered the opportunity to do something very special, that is unique to us and our abilities, what a tragedy it would be if we are not ready or willing.”

SO Are You Still Wasting Your Precious Time and Money on MLM's?

Dex Signals has the solution for you!
Our program is free to join, it's easy to sign-up and requires no technical knowledge.
We will show you in real time with real people how to Trade?  That's right I said Trade?
We will give you the signals show you HOW and WHERE to place them and with an 80 percent win rate well it speaks for itself.

An 80 percent win rate compaired to a 97 percent fail rate? I know what I would choose.

Also to sweeten the deal....When you become a member of Dex Signals, even a free member,
you get to become a Dex Affiliate
Dex Signals Affiliates and JV's earn 30% recurring every month on each sale they refer AND 10% recurring on every sale made by their direct referrals! You will earn recurring income on not just 1 tier but 2! Yup, a 2 tier system so you can earn from those you refer without ever making a sale! Start making money now
(We even have an extensive Affiliate Training Library where you learn ALL you need to know to get started right away!)
Don't miss out on this one. .

Thursday, 10 March 2016


Dex Signals Affiliates and JV's earn 30% recurring every month 

Yep you read that right 30% recurring every month for each sale they refer, AND 10% recurring on every sale made by their direct referrals! Yup, a 2 tier system so you can earn from those you refer without ever making a sale! 

Take a look at our site no pressure, join for free to get a better insite look aroung check out our AFFILIATE library.  

Click on the affiliate link and make a change to your financial future NOW

Monday, 7 March 2016






Dex has taken the mystery out of Trading. We have been INDEPENDENTLY proven to be 80% or more accurate.
Watch our introductory video and see for yourself. No Hype No Bull just the facts. 
If you become a Free member now you can test our system yourself for FREE
When you see how easy and how accurate it is you can upgrade at anytime to reap the full benefits.
Joining as a free member will also makes you a free affiliate! so you can make more money whilst your making money.

A Quick word about our Affiliates...

Dex Signals Affiliates earn 30% recurring every month on sales they make AND 10% recurring every month on the sales of affiliates they refer. When you join our affiliate program, you will be supplied with a range of banners and textual links that you place within your site. When a user clicks on one of your links, they will be brought to our website and their activity will be tracked by our affiliate software. You will earn a commission based on your commission type.

So just to recap..

  • DEX SIGNALS have been INDEPENDENTLY proven to be 80% or more accurate.
  • Is poised to be one of the biggest free affiliate makers of 2016 and BEYOND! 
  • Best of all it is FREE.
As you can see Dex Signals has the solution for you!
Join us  HERE for FREE and see what we are all about at no cost to you.

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