Showing posts with label trade training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trade training. Show all posts

Thursday, 7 December 2017

The Single Most Important Thing You Need To Know NOW.

The Single Most Important Thing You Need To Know About joining Dex as a Free Member is that you are under NO obligation to purchase anything, however you will be supplied with substantial amount of information.

Binarys, Forex

As we start towards the holiday season and the end of the year! why not get a head start for 2018 and Sign Up for a Free Membership at 

By joining Dex as a Free Member you are under NO obligation to purchase anything, but you will be supplied with substantial amount of training and information about the various trading styles, indicators, signals and also gain an insight in to one of the Internets most popular traders training sites.

You will also Get all the latest news, tips and training. 
Oh and take a look at the latest Dex Fx 5000 
Prepare yourself for the best of the best in 2018.

At they offer you simplicity. However! Remember that when trading! Simplicity is probably the single hardest trading concept to wrap your mind around.

It is highly recommended that you do your due diligence and read all the material on their site as this can only benefit you in the long term.
Remember trading does not have to be complicated.

Questions? Speak live to their Customer Support, talk to them on the phone.
or contact us at
We are always pleased to hear from you.

Join for Free today and prepare yourself for your trading future. Give yourself a Free head start that you know you deserve and get get ready for new year.

Paul Davey (Senior 2 Trader) 

Our customers are important to us. We listen to our customers, we care for their future. We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade. The Dex Family of Traders surpasses all others. Our past dictates our future and our future is assured. Contact us on site via our customer support, email or even Skype or land line. We are there for you.

Saturday, 11 November 2017



Take a look at how this one company has stripped away the complicated nonsense and made trading FOREX easy. Let the owner of the company explain what they are about and why they are helping professional traders and novice traders gain their financial freedom as he goes through the ins and outs of his company.

This video is a much needed watch if you are trading for fun or trying to make a living from it.

The Simplest Way to Trade Forex
Make Money Daily with No Special Skills Needed
Learn and Earn your way to Trading Forex, Simply.

Our customers are important to us. We listen to our customers, we care for their future. We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade. The Dex Family of Traders surpasses all others. Our past dictates our future and our future is assured. Contact us on site via our customer support, email or even Skype or land line. We are there for you.
Paul Davey (Senior 2 Trader) 

Thursday, 12 October 2017




Have you ever wondered about FOREX?

You may even have taken a look and thought Holy Crap this is difficult, so many different colored lines. Lines zig zagging across the screen, numbers flashing maybe a screen looking some thing like this.

All looks very confusing even to me. Too many colors and too much distraction just looking at this  picture is making my eyes ache.

However what if someone was there to show you a simple and less cluttered screen maybe like this one.

Now that is much better for the eyes. Not too much going on but do you realize that you will get the same results and probably even better.

There is a misconception that to trade FOREX your screen needs to be full of necessary indicators, numbers and stuff?

Well nothing could be further from the truth. What you need to do is get rid of the complicated BS forget the horror stories of how difficult it all is. 

Listen and learn from a trader who makes a living trading by getting rid of the complicated and making it simple. Then listen to his brother who has impaired sight and how he has succeeded in trading FOREX using his brothers method. 

You will be blown away by the pathetic ease of trading FOREX. 


To find out more about the Simply Forex just click on this link
  >>>RIGHT HERE <<<  

and learn how to successfully trade FOREX without all the complication 

Paul Davey (Senior 2 Trader) 

Our customers are important to us. We listen to our customers, we care for their future. We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade. The Dex Family of Traders surpasses all others. Our past dictates our future and our future is assured. Contact us on site via our customer support, email or even Skype or land line. We are there for you.

Friday, 24 February 2017


This has to be one of the most asked Questions?

So how DO you tell a Legitimate company from a scammy one?
Especially binary trades companies. 

First of all don't believe everything you read online. I can assure you from personal experience that there are many scam web pages that will tell you to beware of certain companies yet have no proof or facts either good or bad about the company.

The fact is that many of these web pages that tell you that they are trying to save you from yourself by not joining them. What you will notice however is that whilst they are setting the seed of doubt in your mind they are at the same time promoting another company that they are getting a commission from. So it is in their best interest to sow the seed of doubt.

Having said that they don't slander or say that they know for a fact that a company is a scam, the reason for that is obvious lawyers are expensive, so subtle hints and the seed of doubt works wonders.

Dex Trader for example a well know popular signals, indicator and training company uses various companies in their training videos. They do not however receive any form of payment and are not affiliated to them in any way. As Maxx (one of the owners) would say "We have to be squeaky clean, honest and transparent with integrity."

Since it's concept there have been many companies that have come close to slanderous but ignoring them has always a good policy. It was not long before the real legitimate companies personally got in contact whilst the others tried to attack and failed miserably.

The due diligence, honesty, integrity and transparency of Dex Trader coupled with it's superb customer care has made it a leader in it's field, (I think unique is the word I am looking for.)

So if you are looking for a signal company, an indicator company, a binary training company that prides itself on customer care then look no further than Dex Trader

Visit anyone of our sites and get the real deal, by the way you can train on their system for free, not many other companies will train you for free.

Check us out today and see if you have the mind to be a trader from home.

The Dex Family offer you Indicators, Training (Nadex), Signals (Daily's, intraday's, 5 minute trades and more.

Our sign up page for Your Training and Orientation. 

For your indicators
For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
Free daily webinars Live at 7 PM EST Monday-Thursday

Join us as a free member and see for yourself how it all works. You are welcome to our (much talked about) FREE webinars as well. We would love to see you there.