How very true, there are a lot of people around who feel that the world owes them.
Owes them what exactly?
I remember in my youth watching a news program (I don't recall which one) Where a teenager was sitting with his father and the presenter was asking the teen why did he feel that he didn't need to get a job?
The boys answer was simple and to the point. " I was not asked to be born so why should I."
What stuck in my mind was not my fathers angry out burst at the television! But the total arrogance and lack of respect the teen had towards his father and the establishment.
I reflect back to that time and look at the world today and think WOW how many others are doing just what he had said back then. Everyone seems to want something for nothing, few are prepared to work for their dreams and yet expect the world.
However you cant rely on the word of others either. I know that from personal experience having been let down on several occasions even from trusted sources. People have their own agendas and sometimes you only fit in when it helps or suits them.
What I'm getting to is
You have to do it yourself.
You have to do it yourself.
When it comes to trading this is something that you really have to do yourself. You need to learn, learn and learn. However you need to find a reputable company that are willing to teach you and then you need to practice, practice and practice. You can't rely on others to trade for you and certainly do not trust most so called account managers offering great rewards with guarantees?
At Dex Trader their training is second to none, they have taken the complicated and made it simple, they have removed all the BS that puts people off and in short video bursts they explain everything you would ever need to know about trading. They have people there almost 24/7 during the trading day to answer your questions and will even do a one to one screen share and show you where you may be going wrong.
OH did I mention that the training is FREE
If you click on any of the links below go to the top of the page, click on prices then join us there in the DEX TRADER FREE .
There is no obligation to purchase anything and we will put you under no pressure. We are there to help you understand trading and for you to see if you have a traders mind set.
There is no obligation to purchase anything and we will put you under no pressure. We are there to help you understand trading and for you to see if you have a traders mind set.
We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade there is no better company.
Dex surpasses all others.
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single signal provider. NOTE only for the adrenaline junkies and the most disciplined.

THE FUNNEL! This is where you will receive access to the platform that will create an ease of use strategy for you to be able to trade Signals, Strategies and Indicators all the while using a web based system.. No downloads , no messy Charts and easy to follow platforms and systems for the best opportunity for success

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