Showing posts with label free binary training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free binary training. Show all posts

Thursday, 13 July 2017



How Many Times Have You Seen an Advert That Says "I Lost thousands but Thank God I found Mr x. He saved me and now I don't have to worry about money. Or things like It saddens my Heart etc etc.

Well now I have tried to find profiles of these mysterious Mr X's or Mr Smiths, Mr Jones or Mr what ever their name is and can never find one?

What I do know is that the person who has placed the advert also has a very limited profile that generally has nothing to do with Binary Trading. However they will chat with you on messenger or whats app and tell you how great this person is at handling their money and making them thousands of Dollars in a week. 
All you have to do send them your money (normally about $300-$750) and you too can have Thousands of Dollars a week.

Why so small an amount? Well that is because even the poorest among us will find away to get it especially if the rewards promised are so good. 

HOWEVER You will never see your profit not a dime and when you contact them they are full of BS excuses and try to extort more money from you and if you don't they suddenly become uncontactable. Oh Surprise surprise.

Don't get me wrong there are a few reputable Account Managers out there, but you are rarely going to find them advertising through a third party in the media such as Facebook.
You need to do your research and do it thoroughly leave no stone unturned, don't believe the hype get the facts from as many people and resources as is possible. 

Google search them, but don't believe all you read if the page sends you to another Trusted Account Manager telling you that the one you are inquiring about is a sham or scam because as sure as eggs are eggs they will scam you as well.

I have come to the conclusion that if you want to be involved in the Binary markets and make money is to do it yourself.

Many say they just don't have the time to learn the tricks of the trade. But believe me there are no tricks to trading and it does not have to be complicated. It is down to training, learning and practicing. Obviously doing it all in demo until you feel comfortable to trade live and then only in small doses.

Dex Trader has a training platform that will allow any one FREE ACCESS to their training and let them see for themselves if trading is the right move for them full time/part time. 

The training has been made so easy that even a child could understand it and it is all in short 3 -10 minute video clips for ease of viewing and for those that are strapped for time there is no rush to do the training and Dex puts you under no pressure to finish it.

When you Have finished the training you can just walk away with all the knowledge that you have gained, also safe to know that trading is or isn't for you. Best of all you will not have spent a dime.

With customer support on each page manned by real traders live to help you, training and learning has never been easier. We have taken the complicated and made it simple.

Join us for free and take the challenge. If you are seriously considering making money trading part time or full time. Then we may just have the right package for you. 

The decision is yours and if you don't look you may never know. But my one piece of advice to you is........ 
DO NOT use Account Managers to try and make a quick Buck.  

Check out our You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to the trading world of DEX.

Dex You Tube pages below.

Dex Indicators Here

On a final note Train Hard,
Then Trade safe, Trade well.  

Monday, 10 July 2017



You can take a look at AND TEST DRIVE OUR TRAINING to see if it is right for you?

We don't want our customers to pay in to our system and find out that trading is not for them. We want to save people money. 
Wouldn't you rather try Dex Trader for FREE first to find out if you are suited for it, than to spend your money only to find out that trading is not for you? 

Again this is where Dex Trader have set the bar? 
With NO strings attached you can test drive our system. 
But please if you are going to join as a free member, remember to follow all the training videos from start to finish. 
This is after all The Dex Trader System. 
OUR TRAINING is on how to utilize it's power to your full advantage. 

HOWEVER If you are a person who likes to cut corners or skip bit's? Then this Dex Trader and it's Training is NOT for you.

Check out our You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to the trading world of DEX.

Dex You Tube pages below.

Dex Indicators Here

On a final note
Trade safe, trade well.  

Friday, 30 June 2017



You asked DEX for signals and training. So DEX  delivered, from FREE TRAINING to signals from The DAILY's, The INTRADAY'S Even The 5 MINUTE's.

With an open and honest approach to our members and customers, can you afford not to visit us and find out for yourself.  

Just choose from and click any of the boxes below to get started.

THE BASIC! This is where you will receive access to the platform that will create an ease of use strategy for you to be able to trade Signals, Strategies and Indicators all the while using a web based signals.

THE ALL EXCLUSIVE! There is Nothing More satisfying then knowing you are not missing anything that you need all inside

THE 5 MINUTE MDM  This is our most popular
single signal provider. NOTE only for the adrenaline junkies and the most disciplined.


THE FUNNEL! This is where you will receive access to the platform that will create an ease of use strategy for you to be able to trade Signals, Strategies and Indicators all the while using a web based system.. No downloads , no messy Charts and easy to follow platforms and systems for the best opportunity for success

Check out our You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to the trading world of DEX.

Dex You Tube pages below.

Dex Indicators Here

As always thank you for reading my blog
On a final note
Trade safe, trade well.  
Paul Davey Senior Trader level 2

Friday, 23 June 2017



Call me a cynic if you want, but out of interest I was looking around a few binary trading sites and checking out some of the adverts.

I cannot believe the amount of scam's there are. Well actually I can here are 4 that I randomly checked out that popped up in one site within minutes of each other.  

"If you need a reliable trader to walk you through success in trading binary options and forex trade. I will recommend Mrs Bella because she really helped me in getting back previous losses thereby making trading fun and interesting with ease to withdrawal. All thanks to you for your interest to rescuing others from the hands of scammers roaming around the internet
Interested investors should contact her via email: (************"

"When you trade binary options, a full understanding on specific days is
essential Yes, you might think that all the days are the same, but there
are days that are not so good and not so bad,Anyone who has a life knows
that this is true,In binary options, what is considered as a great trading
day is when you get that signal Do you need Trading account manager and
make more or less Than $5,000.00 in a week with a good investment
amount,you can contact Mrs.Debra direct on Gmail( c************ )"

And this one the person obviously had had a sex change whilst writing the advert......

"Hello everyone, I deborah, I'm a binary options day trader and analyst, I specialize in 5-15 minutes trades. I offer account management to anyone looking to make some real profit with my awesome STRATEGY with up to 75% WIN rate. My system is totally safe and secure as my clients have full access to their accounts at all time and are able to monitor… More the progress of their accounts in real time. My system is totally transparent and profitable as you can be able to earn up to 4500usd with a minimum investment of 500usd and you should feel free to contact me on my email Raymond***** if you ever are in need of my service"

Most of these I looked at cant even write in proper English. To top it all I just checked out their profiles and they are blank OH except the sex change one he did have a picture and had even answered his own advert? 

What am I getting at here? To be honest if you can't see a scam when it hits you in the face there is no hope for you. Yet people still fall for them which is why there are so many.

Now if you want to get in to trading then you must at the very least have an small amount of knowledge and not fall for the scammy  account managers or those that tell you to part with your money via Skype of email. I mean WHY WOULD YOU?

If you really want to make a success then invest in yourself. 

Sign up for FREE and utilize our FREE TRAINING be it for the 5 minute, Daily, Intraday or NAintradys. 

See if you have a traders mind? There is no time limit set and you can review it over and over again.

Check out our You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to the trading world of DEX.

Dex You Tube pages below.

Dex Indicators Here

As always thank you for reading my blog
On a final note
Trade safe, trade well.  
Paul Davey Senior Trader level 2

Wednesday, 21 June 2017



Binary Trades, Trading Binary's
Because people are one or all of the following....
  1. Lazy cant be bothered doing some work for themselves.
  2. Don't have the time to trade 
  3. Greedy and want a lot of money NOW
  4. Believe the hype from so called Money Managers
  5. In fact believe any hype that promises them a great return for no effort.
Warren Buffett declared.... "Investing in yourself is the most important investment you'll ever make in your life....There's no financial investment that'll ever match it."

You can't invest in yourself if you are not prepared to put the effort in. No-one is going to give you what you want for free. Which brings me to the old adage "There is no such thing as a free lunch."

Which makes me believe by the amount of emails and personal messages I receive from people asking for free things? That there is a completely different world to the one I know and was brought up in.

When I tell someone that the training is free but not the signals. I am told it must be a scam and other choice words. I think the most common thing I hear is " If you give me the signals for a couple of weeks for free then I can see if they are right for me."

Yes. However they probably wont be because you need the training on our system ie the way we produce the signals and to get an understanding of how and why they work. You may get lucky and the signals work for you?

However if they don't because you have decided that you know better than the training we provide with all the thousands of man hours, years of data and a purpose built algorithm maker that has been developed to help develop and maintain our signals which 1000's of traders use. 

Then who gets the blame when you fail?

Oh no surely not yourself. You failed because you wanted something for nothing and were not prepared to put the small amount of effort in that was needed to make a success of something that 1000's of other traders do daily with us.

If you really want to make a success then invest in yourself. 

Sign up for FREE and utilize our FREE training be it for the 5 minute, Daily, Intraday or NAintradys. 

See if you have a traders mind? There is no time limit set and you can review it over and over again.

The 5 Minute MDM WB HERE

Check out our You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to the trading world of DEX.

Dex You Tube pages below.

Dex Indicators Here

As always thank you for reading my blog
On a final note
Trade safe, trade well.  
Paul Davey Senior Trader level 2

Thursday, 15 June 2017


When looking for a signal provider you need to find one that 

Binary trades, Trading binary's
  • Bares it's soul, is open, honest and transparent. 
  • One that has customer support and has real traders to answer your questions.
  • That has solid proof of it's success 
  • Show's its failures as well as it's wins
  • That has a full free training package to utilize before you spend a Dime
  • And of course one that kicks butt

   Well Look No Further We Have it All

Feeling a bit more adventurous then try 
The 5 Minute MDM WB HERE

Check out their You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to the trading world of DEX.

Dex You Tube pages below.

Dex Indicators Here

As always thank you for reading my blog
On a final note
Trade safe, trade well.  
Paul Davey Senior Trader level 2

Monday, 12 June 2017



Binary trader, trading binarys,
The answer is a simple one. 
People want to make money trading but have been duped into thinking it is complicated? When in reality nothing could be further from the truth. 
If you have the mind for it and the right training are prepared to practice what you have been taught. Then nothing except yourself can stop you from reaching your level of success.

The training is FREE so that you can make a judgement call on whether trading is for you and if so what type of trader are you before you spend a Dime.

It does not get any better than this.

Take a quick look at this short video and let Maxx explain in person.

Now if it's signals you want then we have them as well 

Dex Trader Platform Basic 2.0 HERE

Skeptical? Check out their You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to the trading world of DEX.

Dex You Tube pages below.

Dex Indicators Here

As always thank you for reading my blog
On a final note
Trade safe, trade well.  
Paul Davey Senior Trader level 2