Monday, 8 May 2017



Trading binary's. Binary traders.

When people first start out on the road to trading from home, they are bombarded with so much information (most of it BS) that confusion seems to be the order of the day. 

What suits one trader may not suit another? There is a fine line and balance to choose from.
At Dex Trader they will tell you "First of all DO THE TRAINING" Secondly "Do not jump in with live trades? Find what you are comfortable with in Demo first."

Remember no matter how good you think you are if you are that good you wouldn't be hunting around for signals?

Trade 100's of trades in Demo, get consistent in the type of trades you are making, don't jump from one type of trading to another even if you loose a few trades? 

Look at the percentage of your wins verses your losses. You are going to loose trades as sure as eggs are eggs. There is no way anyone is going to make 100% consistently? Though I stand to be corrected of course.

Nadex, Forex or both?

Personally I like the ease of Nadex and the point that you cannot loose more than you put in to your account, but on having said that I had never given a thought to Forex. 
Nadex was my first love and with the regular high winning signals from Dex I could see no reason to change my way of thinking or trading.

Now however Dex has after many requests from members decided to offer signals using Forex for those who so wish to do so. At the moment it is in Beta stage and has been worked on for sometime now, collecting Data and tweaking the algorithms? 

Now like everything else that the Dex family has done for traders it will be available for public release when and only when it is fully tried and tested. They are not just going to push it out there and hope for the best? They have strict quality control, remembering that they have an awesome reputation to keep up.

Maxx likes to be honest and transparent that is what gives them the edge. 

Take a look at this from the latest webinar and see for yourself.

No BS or hype just facts and plain honesty.

This video helps explain us quickly and also helps you determine which of our systems is right for you Click Here

About Dex Signals Click Here

Why not subscribe to our You Tube Channels to keep up to date with the latest happenings.
Dex Trader You Tube Channel  Click Here
Dex Signals You Tube Channel Click Here

Or visit our website for a hands on approach 
Our sign up page for Your Training and Orientation. 
For your indicators
For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
Free Daily Webinars Live at 7 PM EST Monday-Thursday
NEW Web Based 5 minute indicator for Nadex

As always thank you for reading my blog
On a final note
Trade safe, trade well.  
Paul Davey Senior Trader level 2

Wednesday, 19 April 2017



Trading binarys or being a binary trader.
Well it does not have to be.

What if we showed you the How, What, Where and When? 
What if we let you do the training for free? 
What if someone was there to answer your questions and queries nearly 24 hours a trading day?
What if someone had taken the complicated and made it easy?
What if we told you trading is not a get rich quick scheme. 
What if with a bit of practice and determination on your part, you could make it as a trader and work from home.

A lot of What if's? 
However, The What if's here are facts, We have No What if's? 
Just a small sample of what we have for you should you should you wish to take up the challenge. 
Learn something new, something you may never have thought about doing before. 

So whats inside

An Entire Learning Center
Indicators and Strategy's.
Daily and Intraday Signals Sets
Advanced Trader Training
Daily Signals 6 times per day
Intraday Signals 23 hours a day
3 live webinars per week (all recorded and archived)
Nadex Ninja Video Series
Metatrader Mayhem Video Series
Free Updates
Dex Trader 2.0 with
Data Processing Center with News

Why not take a look for yourself. Try out the free training, and for those who are professional traders! look at how simple it can be by getting rid of all crap that you really don't need.
Visit our Customer call service and get the answers to your questions.

The Dex Family offer you Indicators, Training (Nadex), Signals, Daily's, intraday's, 5 minute trades and more.

Our sign up page for Your Training and Orientation. 
For your indicators
For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
Free Daily Webinars Live at 7 PM EST Monday-Thursday
NEW Web Based 5 minute indicator for Nadex

Check out their You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to the trading world of DEX.

Dex You Tube pages below.

Paul Davey Senior Trader level 2

Saturday, 15 April 2017

To Make Something Simple You Have to Understand it First

To Make Something Simple 

You Have to Understand it First

Binary traders, Binary trades

When you have a team player who excels in taking the complicated and making it easy you know you are on to a winner.

When Maxx Fairo wanted to learn about trading for himself, he listened to advice, read the books, watched the videos, talked to professionals leaving no stone unturned.

It was not long before he realized the complexity of trading and on seeing that he also realized there was a lot of fluff, bullshit and unnecessary crap most of it really has no real relevance to the basics of trading.

So he went back to the basics, the uncomplicated and started to build. 
Collecting data working through thousands of  hours of trades, testing, discarding, tweaking building. He got more people on board and collected more data from them. 

With so much information to be dissected and analyzed, algorithms tested thousands of times over and over again the answer had to be there.

Finally the winning formulas were found.

Rather than keep this to himself he realized that there were a whole load of people just like him who were getting ripped off, or were put off by the overly complicated methods of trading. So he went public with it wanting to help as many people as possible reach their ideas of success. 

It was not long before professional traders sat up and took notice with that ah ha moment. Some condemned him for his openness of his work many more could not understand his willingness to help others and not keep his strategies to himself.

Maxx himself will tell you it's not a secret it works because of the thousand of hours of dedication, self belief and data that he has put in. He took the complicated and made it simple but first he had to understand it.

What did he build with all this knowledge? Well here I will give you a small idea of what is available the list is not finished as the site is evolving everyday.
An Entire Learning Center
Indicators and Strategy's.
Daily and Intraday Signals Sets
Advanced Trader Training
Daily Signals 6 times per day
Intraday Signals 23 hours a day
3 live webinars per week (all recorded and archived)
Nadex Ninja Video Series
Metatrader Mayhem Video Series
Free Updates
Dex Trader 2.0 with
Data Processing Center with News

Why not take a look for yourself  try out the free training and for those who are professional traders look at how simple it can be by getting rid of all crap that you really don't need.
Visit our Customer call service and get the answers to your questions.

The Dex Family offer you Indicators, Training (Nadex), Signals, Daily's, intraday's, 5 minute trades and more.

Binary traders, Trading Binaries?

Our sign up page for Your Training and Orientation. 
For your indicators
For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
Free Daily Webinars Live at 7 PM EST Monday-Thursday
NEW Web Based 5 minute indicator for Nadex

Tuesday, 11 April 2017



Binary traders, Trading Binaries?

To show how much our customers mean to us  there are some BIG things about to happen.

Not a publicity stunt or a advertising ploy. 
You see the slowly slowly approach to building DEX and listening to customers has paid off big time for everyone, for me you and all customers and members.

Dex Signals was built on blood sweat and tears, long hours, thousands of lines of code from data collected by members trading our signals, using journals and forwarding the data on to a master of analytics. Algorithms made, used, changed and tweaked. It still hasn't stopped their data is collected every day and minuet changes made if needed?

What does all this mean for you and our future customers and members? I will let the owner of Dex Signals Maxx Fairo explain in his latest webinar.

Take your time to listen to this, Ingest and digest as to what he has to say.

Your future prosperity may well lay in these few words?

The Dex Family offer you Indicators, Training (Nadex), Signals, Daily's, intraday's, 5 minute trades and more.

Binary traders, Trading Binaries?

Our sign up page for Your Training and Orientation. 

For your indicators
For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
Free Daily Webinars Live at 7 PM EST Monday-Thursday
NEW Web Based 5 minute indicator for Nadex

Monday, 27 March 2017

You Want it We Have it. Don't Let Others Take Advantage

The Dex Family offer you Indicators, Training (Nadex), Signals, Daily's, intraday's, 5 minute trades and more.

Binary traders, Trading Binaries?

Visit our sign up page for Your Training and Orientation. 

For your indicators
For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
Free Daily Webinars Live at 7 PM EST Monday-Thursday
NEW Web Based 5 minute indicator for Nadex

Join us as a free member and see for yourself how it all works. You are welcome to our (much talked about) FREE webinars as well. We would love to see you there. 

Exclusive Offers for Dex Signals and Dex Indicators

Friday, 24 March 2017




As a Binary trader when trading binary's I sometimes make mistakes and need a bit of guidance or someone to point out my mistakes. I will ask a question (no matter how stupid I think it will make me look) because I have learnt that the only stupid question is the question not asked. 

The truth is sometimes hard to hear, but only the fool ignores it.
I sit at a customer support desk. You see I love helping people, sometimes people just need to be pointed in the right direction, often they have not quite understood instructions or misunderstood what has been explained. 

There has been a few times when I have made a mistake and for the life of me cannot see what I have done wrong. What I needed was a fresh set of eyes to point out the mistake, I then kick myself for not noticing it? normally it is something so easy but I just could not see it even with it staring me right in my face.

There is a saying "Don't come to me with your problem? Come to me with your solution."  I used to use that a lot in the military. The idea was to make soldiers think about their problem and sort it out.

However in the civvie world it is not so easy to say that, people need compassion and understanding and a pointer in the right direction, with maybe an explanation of where they have gone wrong with words of encouragement and guidance. 

The reason I am telling you this is because I have listened to a man who tells his customers and members exactly how it is. With a no hold barred approach he socks them right on the chin with the truth and with facts. This is not to say he is not without compassion, in fact goes out of his way to help others. He takes his time in explaining the solution to other peoples problems going over and over a process that the other person may have misunderstood.

You see he too has this hunger to help as many people as he can and I know that he has sacrificed his own precious time to help those who have stepped off the path and got lost.

So if you have a few minutes I would ask you to listen to part of a webinar where he speaks to his customers and members alike and tells them exactly how it is in the world of trading.

Caution a few choice words in this?

Check us out today and see if you have the mind to be a trader from home.

The Dex Family offer you Indicators, Training (Nadex), Signals (Daily's, intraday's, 5 minute trades and more.

Our sign up page for Your Training and Orientation. 

For your indicators
For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
Free Daily Webinars Live at 7 PM EST Monday-Thursday
NEW Web Based 5 minute indicator for Nadex

Join us as a free member and see for yourself how it all works. You are welcome to our (much talked about) FREE webinars as well. We would love to see you there. 

If you go through all of the training first you will get an understanding about our services and you can choose which to join. 

Dex Signals (FREE membership)
Get Free Nadex Training
Access to Entire Section of the Learning Center
Free Indicator and Strategy.

Dex Trader
Nadex Ninja Video Series
Metatrader Mayhem Video Series
Free Updates
Exclusive Deals and Promotions
Daily and Intraday Signals Sets
Locked in Rate for Life
Advanced Trader Training
Daily Signals 6 times per day
Intraday Signals 23 hours a day
3 live webinars per week (all recorded and archived)
Dex Trader 2.0 with
Daily and Intraday Signals

Data Processing Center with News

Exclusive Offers for Dex Trader and Dex Indicators

    Saturday, 11 March 2017

    The 5 min Trading Series That Will Change your Life

    The 5 min Trading Series and Indicator That Will Change your Life and Mind

    This is not for everyone and not everyone will pass the requirements.

    The five-minute MDM WB (binary traders) is for those that want to have the chart signals and alarms on their browser. A robust learning system with many other members to help with guidance. 

    However it is a lot more than that, it is about discipline trust and patience. We want to be able to help you learn and of course be profitable.

    Now in order to be a part of the MDM WB system you must have done a few things within our system or be prepared to do them as soon as you start. 
    You must also follow some rules that we provide.

    First of all you must
    • Be Able to Work with MT4? (for the non WB 5 minute signals)
    • Comply with all training requirements
    • Meet within our webinar at least once a month
    • Book a consult with a Senior Trader within one week
    • Do 100 trades in demo and provide the data in a journal we provide

    If you can agree with these terms that are laid out then we will consider your application. 
    We are only releasing a hundred spots for this system (Not as a sales gimmick) but because we want to be able to provide direct help and training. We also don't want to flood the Nadex with a ton of five-minute traders that will take over a lot of contracts.


    Your first step is to attend our FREE webinar if you can do that then you are on your way. Just click on the webinar button below.

    Not into 5 minute trades?

    Not a problem we offer a variety of trading options, signals and training for you to choose from.  

    Visit anyone of our sites and get the real deal, by the way you can train on our system for free, not many other companies will let you do that?

    Check us out today and see if you have the mind to be a trader from home.

    The Dex Family offer you Indicators, Training (Nadex), Signals (Daily's, intraday's, 5 minute trades and more.

    Our sign up page for Your Training and Orientation. 
    For your indicators
    For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
    Free daily webinars Live at 7 PM EST Monday-Thursday
    NEW web based 5 minute indicator for Nadex

    Attend our Free Webinar and see why over 2500 traders trust Dex!