Sunday, 29 October 2017

14 days later and after a few hours of being taught Forex trading? I think I have it.

Yes there are a few losses but hey I'm new to this and I mean I only trained for a few hours watching a few short educational videos from Dex Trader.

Now if I can (I'm not saying you can) however if you have the aptitude and just do it (go for it attitude) you will never know.

This was the advert that caught my eye so I will share it with you.

Also Featuring our Simply Forex. 
The Simplest Way to Trade Forex
Make Money Daily with No Special Skills Needed
Learn and Earn your way to Trading Forex, Simply.

Saturday, 28 October 2017



Been ripped off by someone who says "Join us we can make you money fast."
Adverts that say "Thank god I found this person" or "I don't normally do this BUT?"

Yep you have seen the adverts there are plenty out there even scammy ones that say "There are so many scams out there, Email or contact this person he is legit?" (Is he?) 
Yet none of them have the transparency or proof so are they really legit?

It is refreshing to know that there is at least one company out there that has transparency, honesty and 100% proof in real time that their system works.

How do I know this? Well I am a partner. 

So you could say "Well in that case you will be biased? Yep I could be?

However if you take a look you will see that I am a real person, I'm not hiding behind an email address or factitious company. My Google and other media platforms are open for all to see and that is the way of Dex Trader, Open Transparent and Honest.  

Let us tell you and show you the difference in what we do and what others try to do.

Dex is basically a training to trade company. They take the complicated and make it simple, they have got rid of all the BS nonsense that is there to confuse the average Joe. They have built a revolutionary training system that is designed for the complete novice to the professional for those who want to learn and make money from home trading.

You are never left on your own with us, just pop in to our chat room and speak to any of the traders in there, many started off just like you, skeptical, scared and some scard from being previously ripped off.  

We believe in our customers because Our Customers are Our Future. 
We are here for those who are fed up of getting ripped off by the MLM people and other signal companies.

Dex Trader is FREE to join and training is FREE. Once you see how easy it is, you can progress to futher in Trading if you want to, no pressure from us. Some only want to do the training to see if trading is suitable for them and if it fits into their lifestyle?

We have 4 live webinars a week for anyone who wishes to join in and hear from the owner Maxx and a senior trader and ask your questions.

With over 2200 traders from Every Experience Level are members of the Dex Community and use our Tools and Education System. Find out what Dex can do for you!

Don't you owe it to yourself to at least take a look and see for yourself the power of binary trading with Dex.

Click on any link below and see what we have to offer from the novice to the professional.

For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
 For your indicators
    Also Featuring our Simply Forex. 
    The Simplest Way to Trade Forex
    Make Money Daily with No Special Skills Needed
    Learn and Earn your way to Trading Forex, Simply.

    To find out more about the Dex Family of traders check out our You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to their Training, Trading and Signals.
    Subscribe to The Dex Family You Tube pages below and get a feel of what we are all about.

    You Tube Channels

    Dex Indicators Here

    Paul Davey (Senior 2 Trader) 

    Our customers are important to us. We listen to our customers, we care for their future. We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade. The Dex Family of Traders surpasses all others. Our past dictates our future and our future is assured. Contact us on site via our customer support, email or even Skype or land line. We are there for you.

    Wednesday, 18 October 2017


    Well it does not have to be.

    Trading Binary's or want to be a Binary or Forex Trader.

    What if we showed you the How, What, Where and When? 
    What if we let you do the training for free? 
    What if someone was there to answer your questions and queries nearly 24 hours a trading day?
    What if someone had taken the complicated and made it easy?
    What if we told you trading is not a get rich quick scheme. 
    What if with a bit of practice and determination on your part, you could make it as a trader and work from home.

    A lot of What if's? 
    However, The What if's here are facts, We have No What if's? 
    Just a small sample of what we have for you should you should you wish to take up the challenge. 
    Learn something new, something you may never have thought about doing before. 

    So whats inside

    An Entire Learning Center
    Indicators and Strategy's.
    Daily and Intraday Signals Sets
    Advanced Trader Training
    Daily Signals 6 times per day
    Intraday Signals 23 hours a day
    live webinars (all recorded and archived)
    Nadex Ninja Video Series
    Metatrader Mayhem Video Series
    Free Updates
    Dex Trader 2.0 with
    Data Processing Center with News
    Simply Forex (without the BS)
    AND So much more.

    Also Featuring our Simply Forex. 
    The Simplest Way to Trade Forex
    Make Money Daily with No Special Skills Needed
    Learn and Earn your way to Trading Forex, Simply.

    Why not take a look for yourself. Try out the free training, and for those who are professional traders! look at how simple it can be by getting rid of all crap that you really don't need.
    Visit our Customer call service and get the answers to your questions.

    The Dex Family offers you Indicators, 
    Training on Forex, 
    Training for the Daily's, Intraday, 5 minute and other Binary trades.

    To find out more about the Dex Family of traders check out our You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to their Training, Trading and Signals.
    Subscribe to The Dex Family You Tube pages below and get a feel of what we are all about.
    You Tube Channels

    For more insider information just click on the prices picture below

    Paul Davey (Senior 2 Trader) 

    Our customers are important to us. We listen to our customers, we care for their future. We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade. The Dex Family of Traders surpasses all others. Our past dictates our future and our future is assured. Contact us on site via our customer support, email or even Skype or land line. We are there for you.

    Thursday, 12 October 2017




    Have you ever wondered about FOREX?

    You may even have taken a look and thought Holy Crap this is difficult, so many different colored lines. Lines zig zagging across the screen, numbers flashing maybe a screen looking some thing like this.

    All looks very confusing even to me. Too many colors and too much distraction just looking at this  picture is making my eyes ache.

    However what if someone was there to show you a simple and less cluttered screen maybe like this one.

    Now that is much better for the eyes. Not too much going on but do you realize that you will get the same results and probably even better.

    There is a misconception that to trade FOREX your screen needs to be full of necessary indicators, numbers and stuff?

    Well nothing could be further from the truth. What you need to do is get rid of the complicated BS forget the horror stories of how difficult it all is. 

    Listen and learn from a trader who makes a living trading by getting rid of the complicated and making it simple. Then listen to his brother who has impaired sight and how he has succeeded in trading FOREX using his brothers method. 

    You will be blown away by the pathetic ease of trading FOREX. 


    To find out more about the Simply Forex just click on this link
      >>>RIGHT HERE <<<  

    and learn how to successfully trade FOREX without all the complication 

    Paul Davey (Senior 2 Trader) 

    Our customers are important to us. We listen to our customers, we care for their future. We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade. The Dex Family of Traders surpasses all others. Our past dictates our future and our future is assured. Contact us on site via our customer support, email or even Skype or land line. We are there for you.

    Tuesday, 26 September 2017


    When people ask me about trading Binary's? 

    They always ask the same questions.

    My reply to them is "What do you want or expect from trading?"

    Like many Binary uneducated people they are skeptical about how people make money trading, which is not surprising really as you only hear about those who make an absolute killing and live the kind of life style that many want. However then there are those who have lost a fortune?

    There is of course a happy medium. One where people trade and make enough money to live comfortable pay their bills on time have their vacations without financial worry. These people are not rich in the monetary sense, they are comfortable.

    These are the traders that you never hear about and why is that?
    Well they are content with what they have and what they are doing and don't feel the need to exhibit their lifestyle.

    On the other hand you have the mega rich some whom like to boast about their riches as it makes them feel better (I guess that riches can't buy happiness on it's own.)

    Then you hear about those who have lost a fortune. They moan and whinge cuss and curse about how unfair and bent some trading companies are and never let it drop, like a scratched record they just go on and on about it.

    Admittedly there are a lot of rouge companies out there who thrive on being unscrupulous and ripping people off, those who don't have the knowledge, or who think that trading is a get rich quick type of scheme.

    Sorry to disappoint you but trading be it Binary's or Forex is not a fast way to riches but it certainly is a fast way to ruin.

    What people have to understand is that you need to learn about trading first even if it is just the basics?

    That is where The Dex Family of Traders comes in. We are a complete Training and Signals Company that prides itself on our ease of instruction and accuracy of our signals. We cater for the novice and the professional. We allow our prospective customers to join us for free and use our training program to see if trading is for them. We want to make sure that they are happy with trading following our easy to use system before they part with any money.

    You see we are NOT Account Managers and we do not trade for others. 

    We believe that the best way forward is for people to trade themselves to learn and grow and join the Thousands of Traders who are now enjoying an affordable life through using our system.

    You can take a look, join and use our system at the free sign up page HERE

    Also take a look at Binary Options training and Signals, which is probably best for people who want to dip their toe in the water.

    Then you have Forex, where fortunes are made and fortunes can be lost if traders don't have proper training. Which fortunately at DexFxWorld they give you.

    For those that love using MT4 and indicators for their own analysis of trades there is

    Paul Davey (Senior 2 Trader) 

    Our customers are important to us. We listen to our customers, we care for their future. We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade. The Dex Family of Traders surpasses all others. Our past dictates our future and our future is assured. Contact us on site via our customer support, email or even Skype or land line. We are there for you.

    Tuesday, 12 September 2017



    Then you need look no further, Look at our results see what our customers and members have to say about our HONESTY, INTEGRITY and OPENNESS.

    Looking for a reliable Signals Company? One that provides excellent training as well. Don't get scammed, Check us out for reliability, Honesty and Integrity. The Dex Family of Traders.
    Checkout our ALL IN package HERE


    Our BASIC package HERE

    To find out more about the Dex Family of traders check out our You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to their Training, Trading and Signals.
    Subscribe to The Dex Family You Tube pages below and get a feel of what we are all about.

    Dex FxWorld

    You can look at Binary Options training and Signals, which is probably best for people who want to dip their toe in the water.

    Then you have Forex, where fortunes are made and fortunes can be lost if traders don't have proper training. Which fortunately at DexFxWorld they give you.

    For those that love using MT4 and indicators for their own analysis of trades there is

    Paul Davey (Senior 2 Trader) 

    Our customers are important to us. We listen to our customers, we care for their future. We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade. The Dex Family of Traders surpasses all others. Our past dictates our future and our future is assured. Contact us on site via our customer support, email or even Skype or land line. We are there for you.

    Monday, 4 September 2017


    Competitors are Running Scared

    How can you tell a legitimate signals company that is outshining the others?
    Could it be that some competitors are running scared?
    I think they must be otherwise why pay to have companies send constant DDOS attacks to our signals system to try and disrupt us?

    And why would that be?
    Maybe it's because we are Honest and Transparent and killing it with our Signals and Training.

    Well let me tell you It will take more than that to take our system down and get through our security. You see we are not a flyby night newbie company, we have years of professional internet experience and security has always been top of our list because we don't let our customers or members down.

    You see we are ahead of our game and others don't like it. The reason we are ahead is because we value our members, it's not about money it's about helping others reach their idea of success and that is what drives us on.

    For those in the know and who follow our guidelines and training, they see and understand why our competitors are trying underhand methods to stop us.

    But remember this for every attack on our system our integrity and good name only makes us stronger and more determined to help others, many of whom have been taken in by the fake scammy companies and account managers.

    Take a look below at just a snippet of what we have on offer and WHY we are soaring high above the rest.

    You can look at Binary Options training and Signals, which is probably best for people who want to dip their toe in the water.

    Then you have Forex, where fortunes are made and fortunes can be lost if traders don't have proper training. Which fortunately at DexFxWorld they give you.

    For those that love using MT4 and indicators for their own analysis of trades there is

    To find out more about the Dex Family of traders check out their You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to their Training, Trading and Signals. 
    Our customers are important to us. We listen to our customers, we care for their future. We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade. The Dex Family of Traders surpasses all others. Our past dictates our future and our future is assured. Contact us on site via our customer support, email or even Skype or land line. We are there for you.

    Paul Davey
    (Senior 2 Trader)