Showing posts with label work from home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work from home. Show all posts

Thursday 2 February 2017



Been ripped off by someone who says "Join us we can make you money fast."
Adverts that say "Thank god I found this person" or "I don't normally do this BUT?"

Yep you have seen the adverts there are plenty out there even scammy ones that say "There are so many scams out there, Email or contact this person he is legit?" (Is he?) 
Yet none of them have the transparency or proof so are they really legit?

It is refreshing to know that there is at least one company out there that has transparency, honesty and 100% proof in real time that their system works.

How do I know this? Well I am a partner. 

So you could say "Well in that case you will be biased? Yep I could be?

However if you take a look you will see that I am a real person, I'm not hiding behind an email address or factitious company. My Google and other media platforms are open for all to see and that is the way of Dex Trader, Open Transparent and Honest.  

Let us tell you and show you the difference in what we do and what others try to do.

Dex is basically a training to trade company. They take the complicated and make it simple, they have got rid of all the BS nonsense that is there to confuse the average Joe. They have built a revolutionary training system that is designed for the complete novice to the professional for those who want to learn and make money from home trading.

You are never left on your own with us, just pop in to our chat room and speak to any of the traders in there, many started off just like you, skeptical, scared and some scard from being previously ripped off.  

We believe in our customers because Our Customers are Our Future. 
We are here for those who are fed up of getting ripped off by the MLM people and other signal companies.

Dex Trader is FREE to join and training is FREE. Once you see how easy it is, you can progress to futher in Trading if you want to, no pressure from us. Some only want to do the training to see if trading is suitable for them and if it fits into their lifestyle?

We have 4 live webinars a week for anyone who wishes to join in and hear from the owner Maxx and a senior trader and ask your questions.

With over 2200 traders from Every Experience Level are members of the Dex Community and use our Tools and Education System. Find out what Dex can do for you!

Don't you owe it to yourself to at least take a look and see for yourself the power of binary trading with Dex.

Click on any link below and see what we have to offer from the novice to the professional.

For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
 For your indicators
Also Featuring our Simply Forex. 
The Simplest Way to Trade Forex
Make Money Daily with No Special Skills Needed
Learn and Earn your way to Trading Forex, Simply.

To find out more about the Dex Family of traders check out our You Tube pages and gain a better insight in to their Training, Trading and Signals.
Subscribe to The Dex Family You Tube pages below and get a feel of what we are all about.

You Tube Channels

Dex Indicators Here

Paul Davey (Senior 2 Trader) 

Our customers are important to us. We listen to our customers, we care for their future. We provide training, signals and support nearly 24 hours a trading day. We believe with the right training and help and if you have the mind set to trade. The Dex Family of Traders surpasses all others. Our past dictates our future and our future is assured. Contact us on site via our customer support, email or even Skype or land line. We are there for you.

Wednesday 25 January 2017


When People Ask Does it Really Work?


My answer is.... does what really work?
I obviously know what they are asking but why ask? 
So I put this to them...
Why would I join a company that would fail me? 
Why would I use and promote a company and put my good reputation on the line for a lie?

I am not one for hype, drama or BS. 

I can give them facts and figures, but at the end it is up to them to believe or disbelieve what I say. 
I am not trying to convince them as I know they may have already made up their mind that it's a  possibly a scam and to be honest I wouldn't blame them. 

They have in all probability been scammed severely times already. I'm not desperate to convince anyone with my words? I am more than happy with what I know and what I have been taught by this company.

For those of you that want to know if it works all I can do is point you in the right direction.
Take a look at how one of our members is getting on as he documents each of his trades.

   Don't ask me if it works? A little proof goes a long way

Keep up to date with how he gets on by subscribing to the the Dex Indicators You Tube page here.

Or get on board and join us for an in-depth look at Dex Signals here

Thursday 5 January 2017


Is Trading From Home a Viable Option?

I have been asked this question on several occasions with people wanting to know if trading is for them? So let's take a look.

Trading from home has never been easier these days. 

I am not going to bore you with everything you need as I could write pages about it. But you need to take an honest look at yourself and ask these questions :-

  • Can I find a place at home away from distractions so I can concentrate.
  • Do I have a reliable computer and internet connection.
  • Do I have a few minutes each day for a week (or two) to follow simple instructions.
  • Am I teachable and retain knowledge.
  • Am I disciplined.
  • Can I do things step by step and not cut corners.
  • Am I prepared to listen to and act on sound advice.
  • Am I honest to myself.
  • Do I know how to set goals?
Now I could go on but you get gist what I am saying. 
However if you have said yes to each of those questions then I would suggest that YES trading could be for you.

Rather than go on about it or talk about myself of how I got involved? let me leave this video of one of our live webinars which explains a whole lot more than I could. On it you will notice that there are people who have never traded before and just starting out and some who have only been trading for a couple of months.

So if you have ever wondered how easy trading with the right people can be, or if you are just curious about trading then take a look here.

If you would like more information or even speak to someone in real time Take a look in HERE

Tuesday 20 December 2016


Can You Think of a Better Way to Put Money in Your Pocket

Many of you know me and many read my blogs. 
Some of you might even click on my links of wisdom as I like to call them. Some have even taken the big step out of their comfort zones and in one leap of faith joined the company that I have been promoting from it's conception.

To cut to the chase I have been asked on several occasions 
  • Do I actually trade?
  • Do I make money from trading 
and this one gets me every time...
  • Do I make money as an affiliate 
First of all as I always say "TRADING IS NOT FOR EVERYONE?" 

But one thing I do know is that unless you step out of the box that traps many people and take a look you will never know?

The company I trade with and also an affiliate of, has a very powerful Mission Statement.

To help as many people as we can reach their idea of success. To guide those that are lost and show them a way. To shine light on that which is dark and to make simple that which has become complicated.

Dex Signals have taken trading to a whole new level. Take their Indicators for example. This month I decided to try out one of their many indicators. Now with that in mind until the end of last year I had never traded before in fact I had never even thought of it as a way to make money from home. But this morning I thought I would show you how I have gotten on in the past 15 days.

As I have already said Trading is not for everyone but those who want to learn this is the only place I would recommend. Easy short videos ideal for a beginner as well as the more experienced trader Visit DEX HERE 

For those that prefer marketing Dex have an amazing affiliate programme with a two tier system offering 30% on one level and 10% on the second Bookmark them HERE

Looking for Indicators (Many Free) then Bookmark Dex Indicators HERE

Oh I forgot to mention, Yes I do make money as an affiliate.

Saturday 26 November 2016

ARE YOU Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again Expecting Different Results


Are you doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?

I bet you are. Jumping from one MLM business to another and getting no where. Isn't it time you stepped outside the box and took a hard honest look at MLM companies? Maybe not the companies but the people who sell you the ideas of making it BIG?

Have you ever thought of taking a different direction? 

I mean if you are willing to learn what some of these people who are teaching you and you are failing because they actually don't know what they are doing? Why not learn from someone who knows what he IS talking about.

This might be taking you out of your comfort zone but if you can listen and learn you can make more in one hour than you can make in a week working or a lifetime in MLM.

So what is this other money making opportunity I am talking about? Well it's trading. YEP you have probably never thought of it before.
However this is where you work for yourself you don't need an upline or downline but you do have plenty of people here to help you 24/7.

Check us out and see for yourself. Stop wasting your hard earned money on MLM scams and step outside wake up and smell the coffee.     

As for the question can you make money?

Then if you need too? Watch their webinars in their archives HERE

Or join them HERE and watch them LIVE

Your answer will be what we already know YES YOU CAN.  

If you are looking for Signals visit Dex Signals here.

Or become an affiliate for Dex Signals here.

Thursday 17 November 2016



An easy enough question you would think?

Let's put down a few idea's .....

To be honest there are many points to look for and yet people don't?
They don't research the company they listen to the hype? Be it from MLM companies people selling on ebay or amazon?

People just don't check them out first. 

Luckily Amazon and Ebay have a complaint center? 
But why go through all that to start with.

If you are looking at making money online I can point you at one company that fulfills all 11 of the Idea's that I look for and many more. 

It may well be something that you had never thought of before or maybe thought that looks too complicated to get involved with. (That by the way was what I thought a year ago).

Let me explain something about this company?

First of all it is a signals company. Now before you say "Nope not my cup of tea."  Read on...
A year ago I had no thoughts of trading? To me I had visions of people sitting in front of a bank of computer screens shouting "BUY, SELL"  down a phone. So for the life of me I could not see how I could achieve this at home even if I had wanted to.

I joined this company to be an affiliate as an easy way to make money.
I have never looked back. 
I have completed every bit of training because it was so easy to assimilate and now I can truly say I work from home and earn a living online. 
You see I was an MLM chaser going from one MLM company to another trying to make money online.

I was however shown the training on how to be a trader.
I can honestly say a massive thank you to Dex Signals for showing me the way, which has now been made even easier with the addition of Dex Indicators.

Not for you? Then I wish you luck on finding your dreams. 
However if you wish to find out more about this fascinating work from home opportunity take a look here and see if you really can afford to miss out. Just click on the graphic below.

If you are a trader already check out the Indicators here
Or if you would rather make money being an affiliate click graphic below

Join us tonight and every weeknight at 7pm EST. 
Find out more about 5 minute and 1 hour Trading Strategies using Dex Indicators! 

I hope to see you inside.

Wednesday 9 November 2016



You had better believe it.

Slowly, but surely trading is becoming more and more popular with the work from homers.

People have started to realise that MLM is costing them not only their money but also their precious time.  

Not only that but-

Family and friends see them coming with yet another NEW shiney MLM scam that they will try to sell to them? They must be feeling sorry for their gullibility and thinking "Not another one" but possibly purchase whatever to pacify them. Sad I know but true.

So how is MLM sold to you?

Well that's the easy part, it is sold by using emotional triggers like-
  • Spend more time with your family
  • Work when you want to
  • Pay for your child's higher education, college
  • Buy the car you have always wanted
  • Go on that dream holiday that you and your family deserve
  • Pay off your mortgage
The list goes on and on but each bullet point an emotional trigger.  

People are getting wise to these MLM get rich quick schemes. Many will state that they are not a get rich scheme and yet are sold like one. 

By using one or more of those emotional triggers people are drawn to and sucked into handing over hard earned money. 
Working MLM does not give you more time with your family in fact I think you will find it does quite the opposite. I know that from personal experience.

What if I could show you a way to make money? 
  1. A way that Yes you can make money 
  2. Spend time with your family
  3. Help you Reach your own idea of success
  4. Show you a step by step guide on working from home
  5. An easy look, listen and learn way to make real money
We are at this moment in time doing just that for hundreds of people. We want you to make a success of your life.

Trading may not be something that you had thought of before? But once you see how easy it can be done with the right teachers and with all the BS removed, I think you may think that this is something that could be worth your time. 

You really have nothing to lose and potentially your financial freedom to gain. 

Friday 4 November 2016

Well That Was a Stupid Question or Was it

Can You Make Money On 5 Minute Binaries Using

I was asked...

"Can you really make money using Dex Indicators?"

"Good Question" I answered "Yes you can"

"Do you have proof then?"

"Yes, have you visited the Dex indicators web site? Because if you have it's all there."

"Yes I have, but how do I know that it's not all made up BS?"

"Well I can guarantee it's not. But I guess you are not going to believe me no matter what I tell or show you and to be honest I wouldn't blame you. That is why they have live webinars where you can see Maxx using the Dex indicators in real time."

There are so many BS scam companies out there that promise you everything but have no definitive proof of anything. The partners of Dex Indicators decided to break the mold and prove to the world how and why these indicators work by using them live. 

As for the question can you make money using them?

Then if you need too? Watch their webinars in their archives HERE

Or join them HERE and watch them LIVE

Your answer will be what we already know YES YOU CAN.  

If you are looking for Signals visit Dex Signals here.

Or become an affiliate for Dex Signals here.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Get Started For Free

Did You Know that You can Get Started with Dex Signals for FREE

Not a lot of people know this but Dex Signals are giving you the chance to try their signals and system for free.

Why would they do that? 

Well quite it's quite simple really. Trading is not for everyone so they are letting you try their system and training for free so you can see if it is right for you.

If it's not for you at least you have had the chance to see it for yourself. No one can judge something unless they at been given the chance to see if it works for themselves and get an honest feel for it.

So it's quite simple really just click the link below and get started for FREE. See if trading is for You.

  • Free Nadex Signals
  • Access to Free Section of the Learning Center
  • Free Indicator and Strategy
  • Become an Affiliate

Saturday 8 October 2016

Yep Trading is the way forward if you have the right teachers

Some years ago I met a couple of people on line we had all joined the same on line business. The business was a success in itself and everyone was starting to make money. However one person who was rather unscrupulous started to change the down lines so that all the big players in our down lines where moved and ended up under him and there was nothing we could do.

We all left the company but I stayed in contact with the ones I trusted the feelings where there and we did a few things together. But then a couple of them went quiet for quite a while. It was not until some months later that they told me what they had been up to. 

After it was explained to me what they had been doing, they asked if I would like to join their new company. Yes it was THEIR company they had spent months and months working day and night ploughed money it to it and made it work. 

Originally it was just for them to make money with, but then they let a few of us in if we wanted?
I listened and they gave me no promises just an explanation of what it was that they were doing.

What was it? 
Well it was trading? 

Trading? The thought had never crossed my mind, when they mentioned it.
I had visions of sitting down looking at banks of computer screens with charts with shouts of BUY, SELL etc I could not see me doing it by any stretch of the imagination. 

But do you know what. I trusted these guys and when they said they would show me how easy it could be. No commitment just do what they do. I was blown away, and I say that as an understatement.

That was then. Now they have a huge training library with easy to learn 4 to 10 minute videos all made up with easy step by step lessons. Now have opened the company to anyone who trades or want to learn trading.

What they do ask of members? Well simple just follow the training all of it?
No thinking oh I know this? because the training is for their system of signals, though it can be used on multiple platforms.

Who are these people who I had based my faith on so many years ago?

Well their company is called Dex Signals 

If you seriously want a change in direction or want to see how easy trading can be look them up at Dex Signals.

If you are media orientated try their affiliate program. A two tier system paying a whopping 30% on one level and 10% on the second. Check the affiliates side of life HERE.

Friday 7 October 2016

You Know When Something is Right

When it's Right You Just Know it's Right 


There is that feeling you get when you know something is right or not?
You feel it deep down in your gut, hence the saying "Gut Feelings."

Gut feelings are something that you cant explain it's just that "A gut feeling." 

How many times have you started to do something and you get the feeling something does not feel right? Yet you carry on only to regret it and wish you had listened to your inner feelings to start with "Your Gut Feelings."

The same applies when you first meet someone. You are not sure about them? 
  • Is it the way they dress? 
  • The way they talk? 
  • Their looks 
  • or their general persona? 
With that in mind, where you are meeting them for the first time all these things are there in front of you. You listen to them and trust your feelings.
You just know that YES you like this person or NO you don't.

It's that simple. Yet as soon as people come on line all their feelings of sense seem to disappear? 
They see a chance to make money on line by giving someone money they have never met and in all probability never will, who works for a company that they have never heard of, but who are promising such wealth with pictures of flash cars, big houses holidays etc etc. 

WOW.  Yep that's for me they think and before they know it they have signed up to these dreams and brought in to the company Then they get their gut feeling back, which had been blocked by the promise of such six figure sums and a life of riches. 
But guess what it's too late, the money has been sent they are now on a downward spiral. 

But hey whats that?  LOOK another company that they have never heard of, another one who are promising wealth with pictures of flash cars, big houses holidays etc etc. 
This one will work? Yeah Right.

I have seen these people, maybe you are one of them always jumping to the next best thing, the next shiny object the next promise.

I like to think of myself as a good judge of character and have always trusted my gut feelings. Yes I have made a few mistakes in the past no one is perfect.

Some years ago I met a couple of people on line we had all joined the same on line business. The business was a success in itself and everyone was starting to make money. However one person who was rather unscrupulous started to change the down lines so that all the big players in our down lines where moved and ended up under him and there was nothing we could do.

We all left the company but I stayed in contact with the ones I trusted the feelings where there and we did a few things together. But then a couple of them went quiet for quite a while. It was not until some months later that they told me what they had been up to. 

After it was explained to me what they had been doing they asked if I would like to join their new company. Yes it was THEIR company they had spent months and months working day and night ploughed money it to it and made it work. 

Originally it was just for them to make money with, but then they let a few of us in if we wanted? I listened and they gave me no promises just an explanation of what it was that they were doing.

What was it? 
Well it was trading? 

The thought had never crossed my mind, when they mentioned it.
I had visions of sitting down looking at banks of computer screens with charts with shouts of BUY, SELL etc I could not see me doing it by any stretch of the imagination. 

But do you know what. I trusted these guys and when they said they would show me how easy it could be. No commitment just do what they do. I was blown away, and I say that as an understatement.

That was then. Now they have a huge training library with easy to learn 4 to 10 minute videos all made up with easy step by step lessons. Now have opened the company to anyone who trades or want to learn trading.

What they do ask of members? Well simple just follow the training all of it?
No thinking oh I know this? because the training is for their system of signals, though it can be used on multiple platforms.
Who are these people who I had based my faith in so many years ago?

Well their company is called Dex Signals 

If you seriously want a change in direction or want to see how easy trading can be look them up at Dex Signals.

If you are media orientated try their affiliate program. A two tier system paying a whopping 30% on one level and 10% on the second. Check the affiliates side of life HERE.


Tuesday 27 September 2016

Why is He Giving Away Indicators for Traders and on a Webinar with Nadex


Why Would Anyone Give Away Indicators When They Could be Sold and Making a Ton of Money.

Well if you have not heard of Maxx Fairo or Dex Signals. Then Shame on you.
When Maxx and his partners started the Company Dex Signals, they did so with the thoughts of helping others. What was their mission?

Well its this simple:

It is our mission to provide traders simple, easy to follow signal services for forex and binary option traders. We are traders ourselves and include training and advanced training to help as many people as possible across all skill levels.

They then went further by putting this statement out.

Can you trust this man Maxx Fairo? Well I am sure if a US CFTC-regulated Exchange trust him who are you to argue. is US CFTC-regulated Exchange that do. In fact so much so they are having two WEBINARS with him. For more information see the bottom of this blog.

Binary options are legal and available to trade in the US only on a CFTC-regulated United States exchange. Nadex is designated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission as a Designated Contract Market and Derivatives Clearing Organization. The CFTC is a US government agency overseeing futures, options and swaps trading. Its mission is to protect market users and the public from fraud, manipulation, abuse, and systemic risk.

Some online binary option providers may not be properly registered and regulated. They are based outside the US, operate outside US law, and may hold member funds in various types of offshore accounts. They cannot legally offer binary options to retail customers in the United States.

Becoming a proficient and consistent trader does not start with a strategy or an indicator, it begins with the most powerful tool in your arsenal, your mind. Explore what it takes to find your foundation for trading within your "Traders Mind" and find your pathway to your idea of success within this easy to use process.

Please join Maxx Fairo with Our City Investments as he discusses what is arguably, one of the most important aspects of trading, the Traders Mind

Visit Dex Signals HERE 

Visit anyone of our sites and get the real deal, by the way you can train on their system for free, not many other companies will train you for free.

Check us out today and see if you have the mind to be a trader from home.

The Dex Family offer you Indicators, Training (Nadex), Signals (Daily's, intraday's, 5 minute trades and more.

Our sign up page for Your Training and Orientation. 
For your indicators
For Signals, Training, Our original DPC and much much more.
Free daily webinars Live at 7 PM EST Monday-Thursday
NEW web based 5 minute indicator for Nadex

Join us as a free member and see for yourself how it all works. You are welcome to our (much talked about) FREE webinars as well. We would love to see you there.

Have you seen the adverts that say "Let us tell you a little SECRET"


WOW have you ever noticed how many SECRETS? Companies are leaking to the unsuspecting public?

Being an accomplished affiliate I was curious at how people were advertising their products. So there I was looking through a couple of advertising pages and the one thing that sprung out was the phenomenal amount of companies that have suddenly decided to let the public know that they have a secret? 

I don't know about you, but to me a secret is just that a secret and should be kept that way. Unless of course it is not a secret just something or a product they are trying to sell you. Yes I am a bit skeptical of leaked secrets.

The other headlines I see a lot of is "They don't want you to know this BUT." 
Who doesn't want you to know? Why is it a secret? 

Now of course you have to pay for these secrets. The trouble is these secrets are now no longer secrets, I guess you could call them public secrets. What is even funnier is that they show you how these secrets work so you will buy into them. Now surely it can no longer be called a secret?

Maybe it's a ploy to get you to buy into some scheme or scam? NO they would never do that would they?

If they tell you it's a secret then I would steer well clear of it that is unless they are going to let you in to the secret for free.

Now I have a SECRET? 
No just kidding It's not a secret but I guess you could call it a public information secret if you like.

My public secret is open to everyone and guess what it's for FREE 

In my past blogs I have banged on about MLM companies, Affiliate sites and other money making opportunities, the lies the scams and the truth.

After all these years I have never found an upstanding out right company that does what it promises and really looks after it's members. 

Except for ONE, and that is a company who's owners I have know for many years. Honest, forthright very open and down to earth. A good enough reason for me to have stayed with them all this time. It was only recently though that they have opened their doors to affiliates to allow others to enjoy their fruits of success.
They don't need SECRET or other SPAMMY type of headline's. They just say it like it is.

Affiliates Check them out NOW 

If you are a Trader check out their signals and signal system HERE

Monday 26 September 2016

What Did The Last Shiny Option You Joined On Line do for YOU ?

Why buy into a company? when all you want to do is make money. How many of you hunt on line for the next shiny object? You Buy in, waste money, loose money then jump at the next so called opportunity.

What you need to do is learn that companies will sell you HYPE? They are good at it, they spend a lot of time and pay experts to make you part with your cash. They are not there for you they are there for your money.

However People being people are gullible, they fall hook line and sinker for the hype and some never seem to learn. They become so desperate to find the Goose with the Golden Egg, that they often overlook what is right in front of them.

Like the children and parents in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory buying thousands of bars of chocolate looking for the Golden Ticket?

Now I can speak from personal experience because I did the same as everyone else when I first started out. Jumping from one business to another selling it to family and friends. I did it so often that I must have looked desperate in their eye's and they soon got fed up with me and my latest thing that was going to make me rich.

  • You need to get the FACT'S 
  • Not listen to the HYPE. 
  • Don't believe everything that you see on line. 
  • Don't loose anymore of your hard earned money for another shiny object, Golden Egg or Ticket. 
  • Instead look for a company that will help you, teach you and be there for you. 
  • Find one that does not want your money and will pay you a commission for the work you do.

Let us help you, to help yourself make money online.  
  • We have the time, 
  • The expertise, 
  • The programs, 
Everything to help you become a success at marketing. From the novice to the professional, everyone can learn something from what we have to offer.

Our affiliate program is second to none with a 30% reoccurring commission on one level and a 10% on the second there really is nothing like this out there.

So unless you have the money to throw away at the next shiny object?

Check out Dex Affiliates. We care for our members.